[@Patches] [@tex] [color=6ecff6]"Hey, what if some animal casters got together an' formed their own group? You must know at least a few, Nino. It'd be the most adorable faction in New Wickborough. You should think 'bout it."[/color] Lucy said, also leaning back a bit into a more relaxed position. She took a scan of the place, taking inventory of the people there. She caught one or two looking at Nino, their body language indicating they were thinking of approaching, but Lucy caught their eye, a glare dissuading them from being so bold. [color=6ecff6]"Whada you think, Quinn? Wouldn't that be a great idea?"[/color] she offered to the boy. [color=6ecff6]"Buncha furry little casters prancin' 'round town, dispensin' justice?"[/color] Lucy chuckles at the thought.