[center][h1]~ Chapter 133 ~[/h1] [sub]Shedding A Little Light On Things[/sub][/center] The group arrived at Corona in no time at all, immediately following Jenso into the city, towards Melina's pub that was built near the east edge. It was late, and nobody was in the street. If they were, it was likely that they would all notice Jenso, and the lifeless golem that followed him, along with his two high-tech equipped friends, and the strange monk dude who looked like he was on the verge of passing out. Melina welcomed them, half asleep herself. They were lucky to catch her just as they arrived at Corona. She didn't need to hear about anything happening. It would have just worried her, after all. With little delay, she offered the four men, and the rock thing, a room to sleep. When asked about Alvios, she mentioned that he's been given his own house. That was the least people could do, especially after Apollo was thrown out of town. He wasn't going to need his three story mansion anymore, was he? As the night passed, the entire crew got a full night's sleep. But what they awoke to, was unlike anything they'd ever heard before in their lives. The five met downstairs, where Melina offered them breakfast on the house. It wasn't long before Alvios pounced into the building and delivered the news, long before the pub had even opened. Geode was the first to respond. "He's already started it?" Geode muttered. "THERE'S A RIP IN THE SKY!?" Mikey exclaimed. The universe's destruction had already begun.