[color=00a651]"Hero's are picked fer wot dey do, not fer wot they look like."[/color] Malkai responded to the bodyguard's words. He tolerates many things, but he was quite tired of people assuming that just because he was an orc, he was a bad guy. Granted, he wasn't a nice man... But he wasn't a bad one either. As the queen explained where to go to next, a guard rushed in about assassins at their gates. This got a snort from Malkai. [color=00a651]"I don't know 'ow you people do things in Angi, but if yer assassins are knockin' at yer door, in yer own castle, y'all got some crummy security."[/color] Cracking his neck, Malkai smiled towards Elise when she quipped about Malkai's words. [color=00a651]"Time ta get ta work den."[/color] Whistling for Wolf, Malkai went with Elise to confront the soldiers, regardless of what the others were going to do. Wouldn't be very heroic if they left the poor old queen and her retainers to fend for themselves. The hulking giant's stomping metal footsteps echoed throughout the halls as he reached outside and saw the mob of "assassins". No doubt there was more around here, considering that they somehow managed to get to the castle gates without any trouble. Once outside he looked down and chuckled. [color=00a651]"Not good... Deyz need two, maybe three times more if dey wanna fair foight. Dis'll be too easy."[/color] [@Ryougu][@Darkmoon Angel]