[hider=Katrina aka Fuchsia] The voice in my head has some questions about you. No, I am not crazy. [color=F053A3]"I know, I don't doubt you. I hear one too... but maybe I'm the crazy one."[/color] What is your real name? [color=F053A3]"Katrina. I'd prefer not to mention my surname. It's. A long story."[/color] Make sure no one learns it. So, have you thought of a good alias for yourself? [color=F053A3]"--Wait what? But I just told you-- ah. Well. I haven't-- Do I need to make one now? How about..."[/color] A nearly two minute silence passes. [color=F053A3]"Fuchsia? It's my favorite color."[/color] How old are you, anyway? [color=F053A3]"Twenty two, just recently. My birthday was-- ah. I guess I shouldn't tell you that either? You didn't ask. I uh. Wow. Sorry."[/color] How would you describe your own appearance? Height, hair, clothes, whatever. [color=F053A3]"I'm... okay looking. Oh. But I'm sure you mean more in depth? Well. I'm only five-four, my skin is dark brown, and my hair is wavy though, I like straightening it every now and then. Uh. My eyes a light-brown. I don't work out or anything but, I'm still sort of small-ish. My ears are pierced and I love wearing jewelry. I dress lightly because-- well you-- I-- uh. I don't need to layer up. Er--Anymore that is. And summer clothes are nicer. And all I have anymore."[/color] She holds up a sketch of herself then says, [color=F053A3]"A friend drew this of me."[/color] [hider=Portrait] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/75/a4/f8/75a4f856bc5f284717af3a94c93214f1.jpg[/img] [/hider] Recently all of us are afflicted with these impossibly unreal abilities. Like Mystics. What is your ability? [color=F053A3]"I... remember when I said I didn't need to layer? Well. I don't feel the cold anymore. I don't feel the heat anymore either-- un-unless I have to or want to. I mean. There's like a. A field around me, you, everyone and everything. I can see it most of the time-- they have different colors too. I can. I can make mine so that it keeps me warm or cool so-- so it's. I. Reached out once and-- I mean. It explains why lights sometimes stop working when I'm in the same room. The energy in everything-- I can feel and grab it-- shape it. But it's. Hard and it makes me exhausted. Especially when it's not just my own. Or if I use my own to do something. Always-- you know lightning looks similar to what happens when I grab it? I can also charge batteries-- uh. I'm not making any sense, am I? Auras! That's what He called them. Some people get sad or tired and then it dims down-- I can make it bigger for them-- but I have to use some other energy. It's not good to use my own. It. Makes me tired."[/color] She pauses. [color=F053A3]"And I don't know if it's part of it but-- I mean. I've always known how people are feeling but now? It's like I super know what they're feeling-- emotionally I mean. I can't read minds or anything but-- I know when someone's feeling sad or angry-- if they're being deceptive or hiding what they feel. If they're good at hiding it's harder to tell but, well, I can see their Aura thingy so maybe that can tell me something? I don't know."[/color] What is your voice like? Has he told you anything aside to search for Elvarren? [color=F053A3]"You don't understand I--I don't want to hurt anyone bu-but it. Look. It just wants me to-- to do really. I just. I don't even like-- I wouldn't harm a fly, honestly. If I could go years without stepping on ants I would! I--I just. Why me? Why does it--why does it want me to-- d-do such things? He says I need to fulfill my role. That-- that I'm not meant for kindness-- meant to follow the orders of. Of. The Lords and Gods?! That I'm a--"[/color] She takes a shuddering breath in, [color=F053A3]"I'm sorry. I. I didn't mean to yell. It's just that-- it wants me to weaken them. Like. A hammer or drill-- not destroy-- just weaken. Cripple. Whittle them down until the cracks show. Push their limits-- make them answer and confess--uh. Wh-what were we talking about?"[/color] Where did you come from, and how long have you been looking for Elvarren? [color=F053A3]"I settled in Reno. Nevada. Reno Nevada but-- I don't think. I wasn't born there. Doesn't matter. I lived paycheck to paycheck. Barely scraping by. I was alone and... Hungry a lot of the times, but kind of happy. Reno was the best I'd found. And. I had to leave but I didn't-- they shouldn't have been so rough-- I. I woke up and. The car was on fire. They were dying. I-I-I had to escape. Those. They were just doing their job! I was wrong. I was stealing. I was... I was hungry and I had gone for days. I. I just wanted food and now I've murdered cops and I can't go back there-- I'm wanted. Then those men-- the weird men-- they came for me too. I had. And-- and he told me that if I searched for Elvarren I'd be safe-- I'd fulfill my purpose. I was desperate. I felt I couldn't... I can't. Refuse. I don't want to refuse. I have... nothing else now. It's a few months since I started looking, but it feels like years. I'm. I'm so tired."[/color] How did you end up here? [color=F053A3]"I drove my friend's car around-- she uh. She's. Well... she passed away-- not my fault I promise! I had to abandon it in Oregon. Took empty railcars and walked the rest of the way because, I don't want to hurt anyone, no matter what the voice says. I just want to. Find Elvarren. That's all-- I don't even. Necessarily. Want to be here-- I'm sorry. That's not nice to say but, well, transparency is good. Isn't it? That's how you know I'm being honest."[/color] Anything else you want to get off your chest? [color=F053A3]"No. I don't think so. I. I just. I'm very tired. I need rest and food. That's all. And to... find Elvarren. Maybe-- do you think it could make me normal again? Do you?"[/color] It is good to meet you, friend. You’ll be safe here – for the time being… [color=F053A3]"F-Friend? I... I guess. It'd be nice to have some friends, I think. I don't like being alone, even if I think I should be-- especially now that I. I'm. This."[/color] [/hider]