Saizo followed his master in suit resting one arm on the hilts of his swords under his sash making sure neither of them disappeared into the crowd. He listened to his master explain the unknown wilderness around him as he watched the interactions going on around the docks. Although this place was strange and new Saizo seemed to drink it in trying to take anything that he could from the place, but at the same time he remained alert and ready in case things took a turn in the wrong direction. He listened to Meka's lecture about the skyships and he understood the main point of it. "They may have rule now, and may have ruled for quite some time, but times change and eventually power will be handed down as someone else rises up, am I correct?" He asked after she was finished if nothing else to prove that he had been listening and understood what she had been saying. Saizo noticed the man with the weird sword, but he didn't see to much of it. To him a sword was a sword, and who could he really judge for weird Swords as he held the Water Dragon at his side, "I do think it is getting late as well, maybe we should stop for the night and head out tomorrow. It can be quite hard to navigate an unknown area in the dark. And if there are pickpockets during the day, I don't want to meet what comes out at night here." Saizo replied after thinking for a moment when he was asked. He wanted to continue on, but he also knew better than that at the same time.