[quote=@Double] [@DarkwolfX37][@tobiax] If I recall, we had a previous applicant that also wanted to be a hacker, but their character was much more blatantly power playing (like the ability to make and distribute illegal cards) that we immediately said no to. That might be where Tobi's apprehension is coming from. But yeah, Violet seems a lot more subdued by comparisons, so I'm willing yo give her the benefit of the doubt. Besides, it wouldn't be the first time Digimon had a child genius (Izumi Koushirou, anyone?). And a character that essentially idolizes D-Connect? It'll be interesting to see how she reacts when my future spoilerific-plans come to fruition. As for the partner. I can understand the pensiveness about Grandracumon. Personally I like the idea of Valykrimon more, if only to avoid confusion since both the Grandracumon AND my own Commandramon line both include Bommon and Missimon and that could cause confusion. But that's just me. I'll accept her, go ahead and transfer the sheet and I'll see about [i]finally[/i] moving us forward. PS: By the way, your introduction will be as a recipient who showed up late. Understandable, given that she was flown in from the States. Don't worry too much about language barriers. Kuroda speaks English, but even if he didn't Samantha obviously does. [/quote] Alright, I'll get on that then and use the Valkyrimon line.