[hider=Kai][center][img]https://s7.favim.com/610/150817/cast-cute-guy-h-Favim.com-3138467.jpg[/img][/center][center][color=SpringGreen][sub]"If I smile, everything will be okay, right?"[/sub][/color][/center] [center] [color=SpringGreen][u][b]Name:[/b][/u][/color] Asariel Kaiden Brennan [color=SpringGreen][i]Nickname/s:[/i][/color] Kai or Kay-den. [color=SpringGreen][u][b]Age:[/b][/u][/color] 18 [color=SpringGreen][i]Date:[/i][/color] June 23[sup]rd[/sup] [color=SpringGreen][u][b]Indepth Appearance:[/b][/u][/color][/center] [center][img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-7qG6Y6Zsrmw/WDQooleJmAI/AAAAAAAAC58/tP8D0WD6R3givcvmj-uUn6jjxiMNUg-agCJoC/w268-h268/tumblr_np8iombssE1qg2nwyo4_400.gif[/img][/center] Standing at 5'8 and weighing in at roughly 147 lb, Kai isn't much taller than the girls of the group and looks well built. He's slim but has visible definition where he's worked at keeping himself as fit and healthy as possible. He has short dark brown hair, often cut shorter at the sides and longer on top, often styles it. His eyes are a mixed color, they're predominantly a light green with a mixture of brown near the iris, in certain lighting they can be mistaken as blue, they're deep set and bright. He's got a bright smile, even teeth, strong jaw and a rounded face. He tends to have a light covering of stubble along his jawline and his chin. He likes to wear simple clothes whenever possible, rarely comfortable with wearing anything more or less. Generally he'll be in shorts and t-shirt, despite the weather. He'd probably be described as a fashion disaster by his friends, with his infuriating disregard for what colors or clothes suit him or are acceptable to wear. [center][color=SpringGreen][u][b]Personality:[/b][/u][/color] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/da7cbf6c4360c705a0606bab94602f74/tumblr_nr6onfNdPU1tguayuo3_250.gif[/img][/center] [center]Kai would have you believe that he is a straight forward guy. He's more often than not has a smile on his face, a shoulder to cry on and warm words to say. He's thoughtful and considerate about other people, likes to be open about himself and is often the first to trust someone else, hoping they'll come to trust him in return. He likes to think about others and often over looks himself, to him as long as the people around him are okay it doesn't matter if he isn't. He's cautious when it comes to other peoples feelings but prefers to be honest, even to the point of admitting that he has told a few white lies here and there. He's particularly cautious when it comes to physical contact and will often subconsciously create a 'safe' space between himself and other people. This tends to go out the window when he comforts someone, his hugs are reserved for people who need them...[i]really[/i] need them. Otherwise, he'll often react one of two ways, either he'll look uncomfortable and go rigid until he can escape or he'll go red in the face and wriggle his way out of people's grip/step away from them. He's more tolerant with people he's known for a while and might even reach out to them first, if he's feeling brave. Even so, he tends to lose his cool faster if a woman invades his personal space. When it comes to romance he's generally good at giving advice about it or noticing it, but could only be described as aloof when it is directed at or involves himself. Subtle flirting is lost on him and his friendliness could easily be mistaken for flirting, he's friendly with everyone and shows little understanding of social boundaries when it comes to relationships. Kai hasn't been in a relationship or shown much interest in other people. Mostly because he doesn't form long term bonds with anyone or at least he tries not to but also because he isn't very proactive when it comes to romance. He does have a secret his close family and a select few know about and he will do nearly anything to keep it from other people, it's one of the only times he'll straight out lie. He has the bleeding disorder Von Willebrand disease, type 3 which means his symptoms are more severe than the others, prolonged and frequent nosebleeds, bleeding from the mouth and bleeding into the joints or muscles. He'll often have a tension bandage somewhere on his body, which isn't surprising because of how clumsy he is and he claims he bruises easily which is true but he goes out of his way to hide any formed bruises. In his eyes, the longer someone knows him, the harder it is for him to hide his condition which is why he tends to flit between groups and is rarely at the center of them. Actually belonging to a group of friends and not wanting to leave them is a new thing for him, so he's equally excited and nervous about the coming summer, it's no doubt going to be a challenge to keep things under wraps. [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/4368d1ec4d7bba8e3313c4fde57c42c0/tumblr_okcgk0sGv61rixtjlo1_400.gif[/img][/center] [center] Around this, he is cautious in his interactions with the world, he's logical rather than impulsive when it comes to making decisions or reacting to events. He isn't a coward but he doesn't do confrontation, especially if there is a chance of it becoming physical, he'd rather appease them or talk his way out of it. He's calm headed in a stressful situation because he can distance himself from his emotions with the flick of a switch and look at it objectively. Kai, is nothing if not patient and it takes a lot to get him riled up, but when he is angry he lashes out with words. He won't tolerate much of anything and won't spare people's feelings, if anything he'll strike where it hurts the most. When he gets like this he shuts everyone out and goes off alone to cool down. [img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/5375129f969cfc39a796c1a324b98c59/tumblr_nr71ow8IZP1qeqhpwo6_250.gif[/img][/center] [center] [color=SpringGreen][b][u]Backstory:[/u][/b][/color] [img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/JealousFloweryAnkolewatusi-small.gif[/img][/center] [center] Kai was born in Dublin, Ireland, at his grandparents B&B during a routine visit. There were complications and he was born earlier then expected. Unfortunately his father died in a car accident on the same day, therefore he spent the first eight months of his life there before returning to the USA. His mother raised him alone for a good few months after their return, before she met another man who swiftly became his step-father. He is the eldest of three, he's got a sister who is a eighteen months younger than him and a nine year old brother. His mother grew up in North Carolina and his step-father is from Seoul, South Korea and came to the USA after being offered a promotion to help run a branch of his company. Since birth, his mother has put him in a protective bubble. Because of his condition and her loss, she felt she needed to actively control every aspect of his life in order to keep him safe. Throughout his childhood, everything he did was chosen by his mother, hobbies needed to be thoroughly vetted, going out to play with the other kids was a no go unless she could monitor it, etc. Family outings were incredibly strict, his mother would choose things that she felt were safe enough for him so that he wouldn't be left out, his step-father would sometimes intervene to make sure his sister and brother were considered as well which would lead to arguments. Most of these trips ended in the emergency room anyway because of Kai's clumsiness. When he was roughly five years old, his uncle came to live with them after losing his job and his wife leaving him in Ireland. With a tattered business reputation and the emotional stress he was under finding a new job was difficult for him, so Kai's mother appointed him the role of nanny to Kai and his sister whilst she went out to work. Though she spent less time with him, she still managed his life. Luckily his uncle wasn't nearly as strict and liked breaking the rules. Growing up with his uncle at home whilst his step-father worked all hours to support them all, have given him mixed feelings about the fatherly presence in his life. School wasn't much different from his home life, though he could pretend that he could make his own decisions here. His mother always made sure she was one step ahead, she would often keep in contact with his teachers, the schools nurses and other parents to keep an eye on him. He managed to get himself into a few scrapes during his sophomore year, because of his willingness to be friends with anyone and his social/physical clumsiness. But overall his mother's influence was something he could rarely escape, despite the fact that his family isn't rolling in money thanks to a lifetime of crippling hospital bills. After drifting from group to group, throughout high school, Kai met Elizabeth and through her the rest of the group. It's the first time he's felt properly included in a group, since meeting them he's been eased out of his comfort zone. Despite having two younger siblings who are perfectly healthy, his mother can't loosen her grip on his life and has been looking into colleges in Seoul that would suit him. She wants him to do a business degree when they move out there. He's not sure whether he wants to but telling her that isn't easy, he's trying to find a way to tell her he has already applied to a few colleges in the states and been looking at the option of going to Ireland with his uncle as well. With the summer break on the horizon Kai has begged his mother to let him spend time with his friends. He can't think of anything worse than spending the entire break with his family, namely because his relationship with his siblings is rather rocky, his step-father is still working long hours away, his uncle is leaving for Ireland to care for his grandparents and his mother has nothing on over the break. She's reluctantly agreed providing she can talk to an adult first to make sure precautions can be put in place. He's just hoping it won't be mentioned in front of the others... [color=SpringGreen][b][u]Future Plans:[/u][/b][/color] He doesn't know where to go next, with his family set to move over to Seoul at the end of the summer, a few acceptance letters for colleges in the states and an open invitation to Ireland, he's got a lot of options to consider. [/center] [center] [color=SpringGreen][u][b]Likes:[/b][/u][/color] [img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-mr964cYtqts/WPFJEOwZ3aI/AAAAAAAAAPc/hwngC83Jy2wGNkUaobE9Yd-BEpmeLmDfQCJoC/w800-h800/9080-.gif[/img][/center] [center] + Friends, people who need him. + Laughing. + Video games. + Swimming, archery, track running, hiking. + Thunderstorms. Rain. + Regular exercise + Music (Variety) + New experiences. + Horror movies - (*Being scared on purpose) + Sweet pastries. [/center] [center][color=SpringGreen][u][b]Dislikes:[/b][/u][/color] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/2e86870933fefe42751c6285f2ee6130/tumblr_o7pkdmgQsd1uxzezfo2_250.gif[/img][/center] [center] - Lying/being lied too. Secrets. - Contact sports - Physical confrontation - Bullying, racism, homophobia etc. - His clumsiness - Jelly snakes and milk bottles. - Missing opportunities. - Being pranked or *scared on purpose. - That he is weak and a burden (Fear) [/center] [center] [color=SpringGreen][u][b]Other:[/b][/u][/color] - He has no hidden talents and considers himself a Jack of all trades. - He tends to carry a backpack with him everywhere he goes so that he can always have a travel sized first aid kit on him (tailored to him) and other potentially useful/useless stuff, like a torch, batteries, swiss army knife, compass etc. - He's got a good grip on sign language so he can interact with Amelia and is interested in learning Korean, he's barely grasped tourist level on that though. - He is incredibly clumsy, he has little to no spacial awareness and his balance is terrible.[/center] [center][img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/47cd97d280d31a8c6f7a9f6ea52e4230/tumblr_nrwml480N41qiiay5o1_250.gif[/img][/center][center][sub][color=SpringGreen]"Sometimes it takes someone else to show us the strength we have"[/color][/sub][/center] [hider=Character Quiz - Kai] 1. What are your names? [color=SpringGreen] Kai to pretty much everyone except my family, to them it's always Asa[/color] 2. Do you know why you were named that? [color=SpringGreen] Because my father wanted to call me that[/color] 3. What are you? [color=SpringGreen] ...a person? [/color] 4. What's your gender? [color=SpringGreen] I'm a guy [/color] 5. How old are you? [color=SpringGreen] Eighteen, though my birthday's coming up![/color] 6. What do you think your life expectancy is? [color=SpringGreen] ...*shrugs*... [/color] 7. What's your height? [color=SpringGreen] 5'8 [/color] 8. What's your eye color? [color=SpringGreen] Light green, if you get close though you can see the brown near the iris[/color] 9. How about hair color? [color=SpringGreen] Brown, kind of goes dark in the winter lighter in the summer [/color] 10. Do you think you're attractive? [color=SpringGreen] I, hmm...I mean I'd like to think I am [/color] 11. Do you have any features that you want to get rid of, if you could? [color=SpringGreen] I do, there are some 'features' I could do without internally. I'm cool with the rest of it though, it being me... [/color] 12. How would you introduce yourself? If you are famous in your world, how would you introduce yourself to someone who had never heard of you? [color=SpringGreen] Probably just 'Hi, I'm Kai' I mean I'd only add more after thinking about where we are when this happens, who we know...you know, normal stuff. [/color] 13. Have any abilities or powers? [color=SpringGreen] Ha! I do have one or two actually. One, I have the ability to be mediocre at everything and two I have a killer sense of direction, there is no way I'd get lost in the wilderness. Pretty cool, right? [/color] 14. Stop being a Mary-sue! [color=SpringGreen] Sure thing, just let me finish this quiz first.[/color] 15. What do you usually wear? [color=SpringGreen] Anything I guess, I'm not one for shopping so I usually pick up the first thing I find in the shops. As long as they fit I'm happy[/color] 16. Do you ever walk around naked? [color=SpringGreen] Erm...maybe...in private...[/color] 17. Ever cross-dressed before? [color=SpringGreen] Nope [/color] 18. What do you wear to bed? [color=SpringGreen] Pajama shorts, keep a shirt by the door just in case I need to go out[/color] 19. What's in your pockets right now? [color=SpringGreen] Wallet, keys, soft mints, starburst wrappers and...a coupon for a graze box...whatever that is...crap, where's my phone? I thought I put it in one of these pockets![/color] 20. To what social class do you belong? [color=SpringGreen] Either the lower end of the middle or the higher end of the working? I've not really thought about it...[/color] 21. What is your job? [color=SpringGreen] Barista, off at the moment though [/color] 22. What is your lifelong dream? [color=SpringGreen] I'm still working on it, ask me again later[/color] 23. What is your worst nightmare? [color=SpringGreen] My mother...sometimes. I suppose getting really hurt is my worst nightmare or well, the truth about my...never mind, it's getting really hurt.[/color] 24. How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings (i.e. do you hide your true self from others, and in what way)? [color=SpringGreen] I'm pretty honest about most of them. I mean unless they'd just hurt someone else, sometimes you have to be honest for their sake but sometimes you don't. If I can help it, I'll keep some things to myself. I try not to hide from other people but...it's not always that easy to just come out and say things.[/color] 25. What's one thing you like and one thing you dislike about your personality? [color=SpringGreen] Hmm, tough question. Well, I like how laid back I am, I'm a go with the flow kind of guy. But I can get a little grumpy...or distant sometimes, ah, how to phrase this...I dislike my...erm, safety protocol! You know what I mean right?[/color] 26. What do you do on a regular basis? [color=SpringGreen] Exercise, study...what my mom tells me too. Kind of limited on what I can and can't do because of...stuff.[/color] 27. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do? [color=SpringGreen] Yup, I like walking. Being out in the open! It combines everything, fresh air, exercise, escape! It's even better if I can take a gaming console with me and take a breather with that. Otherwise, swimming, I'm pretty handy with a camera. [/color] 28. That's cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don't like. [color=SpringGreen] You guess huh? Okay, something I don't like...a bit vague but here goes, I'm not keen on sports? There's a few solo sports I can get behind, but team games or contact sports the playing more than the watching are really not my thing.[/color] 29. What are you most afraid of? [color=SpringGreen] Answering this question? Nope, not buying it...damn. Okay, I'm afraid of being a burden on other people, probably most afraid that I'll hold them back or stop them from doing what they want just by being me...it's a repeating pattern[/color] 30. Have any secrets? [color=SpringGreen] Really? Everyone has secrets, that's a universal fact[/color] 31. Name your worst habits? [color=SpringGreen] Tend to bounce my leg when I'm sitting down, crawling up the stairs on all fours rather than just walking up them? Does that count? Otherwise, erm, I like drinking orange juice straight out of the carton...and putting it back.[/color] 32. Any nasty indulgences, like smoking or gambling? [color=SpringGreen] Ha, no! Thought you were going to catch me out then didn't you? The worst thing I'm addicted to is caffeine...like every other customer at Starbucks [/color] 33. Have any of you ever done illegal things knowingly (don't include petty things like jaywalking)? What were they? [color=SpringGreen] I drink on occasion but it's legal in other countries so I don't feel that bad about it...there are worse things I could be doing[/color] 34. Are you one to hold a grudge? [color=SpringGreen] Hmm, I'll forgive but it's not easy to forget. So maybe that's a yes and a no.[/color] 35. What do you do when you're upset? [color=SpringGreen] I don't know...shut down, go somewhere quiet on my own that kind of thing I guess.[/color] 36. What's one thing that could potentially cause you to go into a blind rage? [color=SpringGreen] I don't think there is much, I mean I've gotten angry before but blind rage...I'm not sure what I'd do if someone put any of my friends or family's lives in danger, maybe that would make me see red. I'd rather just bury anger, it's more trouble than it's worth[/color] 37. Is there anything you absolutely refuse to do under any circumstances? Why do you refuse to do it?[color=SpringGreen] Abandon someone I care about. I get pissed and say stupid things but I'm always in their corner when it matters...I mean if you want something less serious it'd be touching somebody else's feet, there is no way in hell I'd do that either[/color] 38. What's your preferred weapon of choice? [color=SpringGreen] Words? I'm not trained in anything else [/color] 39. What is your favorite colour? [color=SpringGreen] Orange, nice warm color [/color] 40. Favorite drink? [color=SpringGreen] Dr Pepper [/color] 41. Alright. What's your favorite food? [color=SpringGreen] Kimchi Jjigae. Best home cooked meal ever [/color] 42. What are your thoughts on pie? [color=SpringGreen] Thoughts on pie, hmm, I think lemon meringue pie was made to torture poor unsuspecting children but apart from that it's all good[/color] 43. What's your favorite ice cream flavor? [color=SpringGreen] I'd rather eat sorbet, unless it's fresh from the machine mr whippy[/color] 44. Where are you from? [color=SpringGreen] Technically I was born in Ireland but I was raised in North Carolina[/color] 45. What's your favorite place? [color=SpringGreen] There's this jetty by the Camden Causeway on Passie River, I like to spend time there mostly when the fisherman aren't there. My uncle took me there, told me he wouldn't tell my mom if I wanted to come here again. It's beautiful when the river is calm and the sun's setting or rising [/color] 46. What's your least favorite place? [color=SpringGreen] Home at the moment [/color] 47. Where do you wish you could be right now, regardless of whether it's real or not? [color=SpringGreen] Thedas. Could do with a little magic right now[/color] 48. What is the first thing you tend to notice when you first meet someone? [color=SpringGreen] That's a tough one, I mean I tend to try to notice how they're feeling through body language and stuff. But I think the first thing I notice is the color of their eyes.[/color] 49. What is your favorite season? [color=SpringGreen] Autumn, it's that nice colorful in between season.[/color] 50. Do you believe in love at first sight? [color=SpringGreen] Eeh. Maybe, maybe not I believe some people do, but I think it's kind of shallow. Personally feel that you fall in love with someone over time, when you've seen every side of them not just the 'first meeting mask'[/color] 51. Gay, straight, or bi? [color=SpringGreen] I'm not really sure...do I have to stick a label to my forehead?[/color] 52. Are you interested in anyone? [color=SpringGreen] ...this feels like a trick question [/color] 53. What do you look for in a partner? [color=SpringGreen] Strength, understanding, passion...I'm sure there's more but I'd have to find it in someone first [/color] 54. What's your idea of a perfect date? [color=SpringGreen] I...well. Truthfully, I'd like to go to one of those outdoor movie screenings t least once. Popcorn, air, people and privacy. But I'm kind of new to the dating world so, I don't know if that's a normal...if that's something anyone else would go...what are we talking about again? [/color] 55. Are you single or taken? [color=SpringGreen] Single [/color] 56. Are you a virgin? [color=SpringGreen] I'm...err...maybe [/color] 57. Have you ever kissed anyone? If so, who was your first? Who was your last? [color=SpringGreen] Yeah, it was awkward and out of the blue...and weird. Have not seen them since. That was kind of it, the first and the last[/color] 58. What is your favorite thing to touch? [color=SpringGreen] I see what you're doing there, putting in ambiguous questions after a certain topic. Fool me twice and all that, so no comment.[/color] 59. Ever wanna marry and have kids one day? [color=SpringGreen] What I want and what I can have are not mutually exclusive[/color] 60. Have any family members? [color=SpringGreen] I have lots. A sister, brother, mother, step-father and uncle back home. Grandparents and aunts, uncles, cousins in Ireland, West Virginia and the same in South Korea.[/color] 61. Oh? How about pets? [color=SpringGreen] No, we weren't/aren't allowed pets in the house [/color] 62. How many friends do you have? [color=SpringGreen] Last I checked I could count them on my hands but I might have to grow a few more fingers soon [/color] 63. If the one you cared most about in your life were to somehow die today, how would you react and what would you do? [color=SpringGreen] I honestly don't know. I suppose I'd just have to deal with it, once they're gone they're gone...nothing you can do about it. [/color] 64. Do you look up to anyone at all? [color=SpringGreen] Cliche as it is, I look up to my friends, everyone has their strength and their flaws, yet they're all brave enough to own them. I admire them almost as much as I do my uncle[/color] 65. Do you hate anyone? [color=SpringGreen] I can safely say I do, but I'm sure it doesn't help anyone so why mention it[/color] 66. Who is your worst enemy? [color=SpringGreen] I'm probably my own worst enemy[/color] 67. Have you ever hurt anyone in anyway before? [color=SpringGreen] Yes. I've hurt lots of people, with words or actions. One of them told me it would have hurt less if I'd of punched them...that's not really my MO though[/color] 68. Ever... killed anyone before? [color=SpringGreen] If I had, do you really think I'd tell you?[/color] 69. Under what circumstances do you think killing someone justified, in general? [color=SpringGreen] Self-defence. I mean real, it's either them or me situations. Otherwise, it doesn't matter how much someone deserves to die, I can't see what gives you the right to decide that[/color] 70. Are you wanted for anything? [color=SpringGreen] Not a wanted criminal...at least not yet[/color] 71. Uh... if you were to get in a fight with a strong wrestler, do you think you'd win? [color=SpringGreen] Hell no! I'd probably die...actually I would, I would die.[/color] 72. What's one of your fondest childhood memories? [color=SpringGreen] My uncle took me ice skating, even though mom had told me I wasn't allowed to go. I mean it all ended in tears but whilst we were there, it was amazing! I was like bambi on the ice, ended up doing the splits whilst using my hands to pull myself around but it was probably the first time I'd just been left to be a kid. My uncle was there but he only helped me up if I was really stuck and didn't fuss about it.[/color] 73. If you could go back and change one thing about the past, would you? What would you change? [color=SpringGreen] I'd change the way my mother treated me, I'd do more to make sure my sister didn't feel left out, I should have fought harder than I did.[/color] 74. What kind of animal are you most like? [color=SpringGreen] A chameleon [/color] 75. Do/did you go to school? [color=SpringGreen] Yup, all done with school for now though[/color] 76. Do you have fangirls/fanboys? [color=SpringGreen] Hahaha, no, no I don't. A few girls liked to tease me in school but that's about it [/color] 77. If you're a girl, what's your cup size? If you're a guy, how big are you? [color=SpringGreen] Wha...why do you need to know that?! What kind of question is that, even....................no comment[/color] 78. What's one phrase you overuse? [color=SpringGreen] Pass [/color] 79. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean? [color=SpringGreen] Have you seen Lake Placid or Jaws? I'm not keen on swimming in either of them, but I guess if the lake was clear, [i]really[/i] clear with no crocs...no I couldn't. It would have to be the ocean, at least the sharks can't reach the rock pools...[/color] 80. Have you ever gone skinny dipping? [color=SpringGreen] Heh, nope. That'd be, I'd need some liquid courage to do that[/color] 81. How long can you stay under water? [color=SpringGreen] I think I managed 30 seconds before...but that's just a guess, no-one was counting.[/color] 82. Any fetishes? [color=SpringGreen] ...I don't even...talk about blind siding. We were talking about swimming...can we just go back to that?[/color] 83. Seme or uke? [color=SpringGreen] Which means...?[/color] 84. Which do you like more, sad stories or happy stories? [color=SpringGreen] What about sad stories that turn into happy stories? Can that be an option?[/color] 85. Camping or indoors? [color=SpringGreen] Camping. Campfires, s'mores, sleeping bags and stars. Yeah I know you can get three of those indoors but it's not the same![/color] 86. Do you like to sing or dance? [color=SpringGreen] I suppose, I don't have a good singing voice and definitely can't dance but that's half the fun right?[/color] 87. To what degree do you avoid risks and danger? [color=SpringGreen] I prefer to avoid them if I can, but it's like my uncle said 'You can't reach a true high without a little risk' ...no, he wasn't talking about drugs, I was learning to skate...well, I wasn't wearing my knee pads...not seeing how that's funny...[/color] 88. What makes you vulnerable? [color=SpringGreen] Lots of things. I bruise easily, I'm pretty open with other people, I'm a clumsy mofo...you know, lots of things [/color] 89. Under what circumstance would you risk your own life for someone else? [color=SpringGreen] I'd like to think, I'd risk it for the people I care about. But, can we really know until it actually happens?[/color] 90. How would you describe your current adventuring companions to a friend you trust? [color=SpringGreen] Most effective, possibly the coolest party I know.[/color] 91. What do you do to relax? [color=SpringGreen] Talk to friends, play video games or find somewhere quiet to sit[/color] 92. What's the best piece of advice you've ever had? [color=SpringGreen] My uncle recently told me to “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” which I thought was pretty profound for him, turns out it came from Gandhi but it still packs a punch[/color] 93. Name three things you consider yourself to be very good at, and three things you consider yourself to be very bad at. [color=SpringGreen] Multi-tasking, strategy games and reading people. Annnnd...Singing, balancing and cooking.[/color] 94. If you could choose, how would you want to die? [color=SpringGreen] Like a damn hero, if I had to die, I'd want to die for someone. Kind of like taking their place or something along those lines [/color] 95. If you knew you were going to die in 24 hours, name three things you would do in the time you had left. [color=SpringGreen] Contact family and friends for goodbyes and do everything I have been told not too if I want to live 'normally', I'd probably be less concerned about losing my......wait, you're not sharing these answers with anyone are you?[/color] 96. What's one word that best describes you? [color=SpringGreen] Cautious, I guess. [/color] 97. What would you do if you could meet your creator? [color=SpringGreen] Curse them for making me have complicated issues? Honestly, I don't believe in a higher power[/color] 98. What are your impressions about the other interviewees? [color=SpringGreen] Other interviewees...wait, I thought this was a private quiz! I didn't think they'd be able to see it, wipe the records! I deny everything![/color] 99. Do you even want to be here? [color=SpringGreen] No, not after you've released this interview...*sigh* [/color] 100. What do you spend most of your time doing? [color=SpringGreen] Trying to fit in, which makes this even worse, thanks...[/color] [/hider] [/hider]