[center][h2][color=#FA8F8F]Sophia Taeryn[/color][/h2][/center] Sophia walked along side Kaelia, her small stature making her have to work a little harder to keep pace with the taller woman. Brown tresses bounced along in a ponytail as she turned her head in Kaelia's direction, seeming to want to say something. She was worried about their mission. Not so much that they wouldn't complete it--she had full faith that she and Kaelia would be able to work together on that--but, more that she really didn't [i]want[/i] to fight them. Part of her wanted to try and reason with the traitors, but she knew it was likely impossible. The thought hurt her. The IHO was a family. Both its rules, and the rules of her own family were very clear: One does not betray their kin. With the woman lost in her own thoughts, she just barely managed to catch what Kaelia had said about sensing people. At mention of it, though, Sophia coated her body in vis, forming a clear outer layer over her skin as she did so. After several seconds, it was in place. It had been just enough time. Just as her shield covered her body completely, she caught sight of a pair coming toward them from the air. One--a little girl, it seemed--landed and then attempted to kick her in the stomach. For what appeared to be a child, her control over vis was almost impeccable. Before either Sophia, or the child could do anything, Kaelia blocked the kick with her sword, and sent her backward. [color=#FA8F8F][b]"Never understood why the IHO lets kids in. Even if they have guardians who are permitting it."[/b][/color] Sophia muttered to herself, her eyes locked on the little girl as she circled them for a moment, and then moved over to the dark skinned woman with a strange looking sword. This was going to be interesting, to say the least. [hider=Current active abilities] Vis Sight - Passive, Always active Vis Shield - No damage sustained [/hider]