[centre][color=Silver][h1][u]Grant Hyral[/u][/h1][/color] [color=Gold][sub]Wall Rose - Training Grounds[/sub][/color] [img]https://happyhourgang.files.wordpress.com/2017/02/border.png[/img][/centre] His head lifted from his shoulders as his name was called out from afar in the hall. He looked over, seeing that it was indeed Olivia calling his name. Poor her. He didn't want to have to tell her, especially this soon into the training sessions. Either way, he wanted to ensure that he was in-fact not to be any more miserable than he was at the current moment in time. He kept staring, blankly, for a few moments, before he saw one of them stand up and approach him. He wasn't anyone he'd met in the past, just another cadet. He came by, and almost mimicked his action of leaning against the wall. Seeing it slightly annoyed him, only slightly, but it was only an action, right? It just made him feel even more stupid about how he was leaning against the doorframe. Grant listened to what he had to say, but before he really had a chance to utter a single noise from his lips, someone said something to someone else at the table, before storming out, acting as a lure to the boy who spoke to Grant in the first place. Typical. Before Grant had any chance to speak, drama was already unfolding. He already had enough drama to deal with on his own personal behalf, now there was this group demand going on. Grant was always one to be judgemental, at times like these. Only to himself though would he tell these judgements. All these people around him were all bound to become way better individuals and soldiers than Grant had hoped to be. He could tell by the way they all acted. Olivia was definitely one to out-run Grant in the race for supremacy in the Training Corps. What's more, she was already more sociable than he was. The key to success was to positively engage with the comrades around you, and Grant was not the one to always gain the same liking back. Reese was a definite successor over what Grant could do. The boy who stormed out? His tone said it all. He [i]wanted[/i] the top-of-the-class position. More than anyone, he would kill for it. Grant didn't even feel like trying. All these people thought and knew they could out-do each other, which put Grant in a difficult position of where he would be able to place in the rankings. He pondered if he'd ever even come out alive of training, let alone get in those top positions. He let out a deep sigh, rubbing his forehead between all the fingertips he had to offer with his right hand. He slowly began recomposing his stance, though not the usual giddy one he had, and slumbered slowly over to the table. Everyone was pretty much finished with their meals, so there would be no point in getting one for himself. It'd only lead to him sitting at the table, awkwardly eating alone. As he sat down, he easily picked up on what everyone was talking about. Everyone was really getting to know one another in the most deep way possible, talking about their origins and how they ended up one foot into a boot full of shit known as Schulz's trainees. It almost seemed like everyone was saying the same thing, and if they said otherwise, they were to offend themselves with the origins of literally everyone else. Grant was not prepared to be offended, but if someone were to joke about it then it might as well happen. It wouldn't be the first time. Grant began to speak in a low voice, not feeling like acting hyperactive for once in his life. [color=Silver][b]"So...Origin stories? Grant Hyral, by the way. I was in Shiganshina at the wrong time. Give it another day and you'd probably not meet me today. Not your lucky day that you have to see me in the flesh...Anyway...I was born outside of Shiganshina...And the walls. I was travelling around with an Uncle and a Friend. Dunno what happened to my family outside of the walls, but it's blatantly obvious what will have happened..."[/b][/color] He sat in place, and remained silent, listening to everyone else as he wanted to.