Suddenly, Whitney found herself with a person who was supporting her position. Well, he was doing so a little more dramatically then she would have done, but, it was still nice to have someone on her side. He even stood up and walked over to her. She eyed him a little wary at first, her green eyes skeptical at best. He also was packing a machete for when you needed to whack through a thicket of vines or people, but, his was decorated unlike her's. She just had a tool, he seemed to treat his more like a totem or something. Had a funny accent to. She couldn't quite place it. It almost sounded like some of the cholos she used to know, but, not quite. He introduced himself to her quickly and offered her his hand as well as a compliment on her tats. She had seen him eyeing her a bit, of course, he wasn't looking at her sleeves or what you could see on her back through the white Bladerunner tank top she was wearing. His eyes were lower. Hell, she wasn't going to knock him for that. She knew her lower body was a real draw, but, still. He could have been a little more discreet. She glanced down at her right arm sleeve for a second, taking a look at the geometric patterns that were on her upper arm that faded into the biomechanical piece that finished the sleeve out. Her eyes flicked back to his hand and she gave him a half smile and popped her joint in her lips before reaching out with her right hand and shaking Teddy's hand. "Thanks, blood." she said through her mostly closed mouth. "Name's Whitney, or Ink," she introduced herself gesturing to her right arm with her left hand as if to lend credence to her nickname, "I'm your girl when you need someone tuned up, feel?" she said before leaning around her supporter and taking another long pull off her smoke. She popped the thing out of her mouth, handed it to 'Teddy' casually, and returning her attention to Sharp. "So, the fuck am I going to be doing?" she repeated, smoke filtering out of her mouth as she spoke wreathing her head in a halo of weed smoke.