[hider="Black Scale" Bahamut 'Bartholomew' Hook] [center][color=Olive][b][h2]B A H A M U T[/h2][/b][/color] [img]http://orig00.deviantart.net/2e0a/f/2017/133/9/0/voodoo_child_crew___op_oc___ismael_lafayette_by_sydhius-db936pl.jpg[/img] [hr] [i][color=Olive][b]".”[/b][/color][/i][/center] [h3]B A S I C I N F O[/h3] [color=Olive][sub]N A M E[/sub][/color] [indent][color=gray]Bahamut 'Bartholomew' Hook[/color][/indent] [color=Olive][sub]A L I A S[/sub][/color] [indent][color=gray]Black Scale[/color][/indent] [color=Olive][sub]A G E[/sub][/color] [indent][color=gray]35[/color][/indent] [color=Olive][sub]G E N D E R[/sub][/color] [indent][color=gray]Male[/color][/indent] [color=Olive][sub]P O S I T I O N[/sub][/color] [indent][color=gray]First Mate[/color][/indent] [hr] [h3] C O M B A T I N F O[/h3] [color=Olive][sub]D E V I L F R U I T[/sub][/color][indent][color=gray][i]Toka Toka no mi: Bahamut ate the Toka Toka no mi, Model: Komodo Dragon, a Zoan-type Devil Fruit which allows him to transform into a Komodo Dragon and a giant Komodo-human hybrid. Also, being a carnivorous animal, Bahamut is more bloodthirsty and predatory than a regular Zoan class user.[/i][/color][/indent] [color=Olive][sub]T E C H N I Q U E S[/sub][/color] [color=gray] [list] [*]Human-Beast Form: A hybrid form in which Bahamut adopts the properties and appendages of a Komodo Dragon. His physical strength and speed are vastly increased, and he also gains the poisonous properties of the animal through his sweat and saliva. [/list] [list] [*]Beast Form: Bahamut fully adopts the from and properties of a Komodo Dragon. [/list][/color] [hr] [h3] R É S U M É [/h3] [color=Olive][sub]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/sub][/color] [indent][color=gray]There are few people more torn than Bahamut Hook. At heart, he is a pirate. He was born into it, was molded by the culture of it, and spent the majority of his life under the belief that freedom was paramount and that the ultimate affronts to true liberty were the strict and oppressive codes of the Marines. Every facet of his life has shifted constantly, and although he is strong-willed, brave, and experienced, it has colored his personality in a way that may never wash out. Bahamut's time on the seas forged him into a natural leader. He is brave, commanding, and self-sure to the point where he trusts his gut until all evidence proves him wrong. He has finely honed instincts that have served him well. Although he is no longer a pirate captain, he has retained those traits, and often butts heads with Blake D. Hunter for leadership of the crew. Although he recognizes that Blake is the rightful leader of the crew as its founder, he honestly believes himself to be the better 'captain', and makes that opinion known whenever a decision needs to be made. That same self-assured note sometimes rings sour, however. Bahamut's belief that he has earned everything the world has to offer often leads to a sense of overconfidence that can wreak havoc on his crew. He has put operations at risk by breaking formation, skewing from set plans, and using intimidation on otherwise compliant civilians. Although his skills and surprising tactical sense are often enough to ensure that the missions are still accomplished, he has been known to cause an undue amount of collateral damage that reduces or even eliminates bystanders. In particular, his tendencies towards straightforward confrontation make him almost useless during any operation that requires stealth. Although Bahamut has a sometimes rocky relationship with his crewmates, he is extremely loyal to them. The short time spent aboard the crew's ship with the same crew—the same friends—has instilled in him a certain level of camaraderie. Since learning of his old crew's betrayal, he now sees this crew as a replacement, and has subconsciously vowed to show them the loyalty that he once believed was shown to him. Like a group of siblings, he will often use terms like 'little brothers' or 'little sister' when referring to them, despite the fact that some may be older than him. In battle, Bahamut falls back into his experience as a pirate captain, and his confidence and aggression come to bear. He bad-talks his opponents with crude insults, throws his weight around with an almost theatrical bravado, and treats the whole experience as if it were a way of life. He often plays the role of the aggressive protector, causing diversions or fighting the most physically skilled foe one-on-one to free up his crew to pursue other objectives. After all is said and done, Bahamut will often gloat over his defeated opponents, for the blood of a true pirate still runs thick in his veins.[/color][/indent] [color=Olive][sub]H I S T O R Y[/sub][/color] [indent][color=gray]The name 'Hook' is whispered across the sea by drunken fishermen and courageous pirates. It's a name only the bravest of men would dare say out loud, for the name belongs to one of the most notorious pirate crews to sail the seas; the Hallowed Hook Pirates. Established by Ballow Hook in his early manhood, the Hallowed Hook Pirates quickly made a name for themselves carving out territory on the Grand Line. He would often butt heads with Palladium, but never would a serious rivalry develop. After a successful career at sea, Ballow retired to his territory and produced a family. Seven children were born to him, and Bahamut was the second. Life a Hook was one of disciplined vision. In the Hook household there was a time for everything, and the Hook Children strictly adhered to this notion. Once his children were of age, Ballow once again sailed the seas, this time with the Hook Children an integral part of his crew. Each child was given there Inheritance, the first three where given Devil Fruits and the position of Division Commander, and the other four received specially forged weapons and the same position as the first three. …. Soon, Bahamut found himself in Lougetown.[/color][/indent] [/hider]