[center][color=a187be]Luna D. Dharc[/color][/center] [@LuckyBlackCat] Upon reaching the pokemart, Luna looked around a bit for items that may be of use later down the road. Eclipse looked from side to side at the different items on display, he knew what was coming, at last he would finally get a pokeball of his own, this would only further strengthen Eclipse's bond with Luna. After grabbing a pokeball that was just right and a Rare Candy to celebrate, she headed over to the register to pay for her items. [color=a187be]"Alright, Eclipse... You can officially be my pokemon partner... You excited?"[/color] Like she even had to ask. Eclipse cried excitingly and jumped around happily. [color=a187be]"Hee hee... Ok... Ahem... Eclipse, our journey together officially starts now."[/color] She said tapping the pokeball on the little dragon's head. In a red light, Eclipse vanished into the ball, it shook once, twice, three times, then a sparkle popped on the button. Luna exited the pokemart with a smile on her face and walked over to Cici, holding Eclipse's pokeball in her hand. [color=a187be]"Ok... I'm ready when you are..."[/color] [hider=Luna]TP: 10-10+1(1) Pokemon: Deino(Eclipse) Level 2, Male Flabebe(Rose) Level 5, Female Inventory: N/A Rank: Beginner Organization: N/A CP: 7+1(8)[/hider]