[quote=@Lonewolf685] [@Mega Birb][@TheWindel][@KoL] Soooooooo, Birb, you want to define 'Short-range portals'? Because I don't really see how he can use those to bypass the exterior battlefield and the entire interior to redirect Eos' lasers directly into the control room which we can all infer to be in the central area. A short range combat teleport seems more like something with a 20 meter range, not this ludicrous degree of range and supposed omniscience to even know where to target. [/quote] Spam. There is such a thing as teleport spam. Okay but seriously, I envisioned the control room overlooking the main floor of the factory, if I'm horribly wrong I'll go back and fix things. And I've figured short range as 6 feet at most, Greg essentially created a mirror that the lasers bounced off of and back into the window of the control room, where they exploded and blew it open. [quote=@Lonewolf685] They aren't coming from Celestia. This is just a fortress the Angels have. [/quote] I know, though it's been established that Heaven typically sends in reinforcements via that giant light portal.