“War, movement. Change, can adapt to movement. New chase.” Turning around the Female reptilian creature looked at her her current ‘patient’ who from the looks of it was coming along rather nicely. An Orc from what her paperwork said, or at least that’s what it was. Now it seemed to have new augmentations, most notably around the arms and legs. “Sequences spun, brain matter removed to make room for thicker skin and natural weapons. Should prove interesting.” The creature before her roared in pain, a sound she was use too for the most part. Still turning to look at the creature it had full view of her now. With this view came the blank eye sockets of the skull, even with all the light around them they still remained blacked out. Taking one step closer she smiled, unseen thanks to the hollowed out skull on her head. Opening her maw her lower jaw became visible, the muted color of dull gray and sight of her fangs bore ill will and for her friend no free pass. Only a loud crack followed by the Shaman walking outside, her skulls upper jaw sporting a new splotch of crimson. “Stands still too weak. Change almost complete, more Material is required.”