Derrick almost cursed, but managed to keep his voice in check. Getting injured would be very dangerous for them considering they didn't really have a safe place to rest. But they would have to think on that later, there was more action to be had yet. Derrick stared on as the warden breathed fire and switched positions as the gargoyles moved, trying to figure out what he could do for the team effort. He could push over some bookcases, but he doubted that it would hit the Jailor at all. Still, better than nothing, right? He picked up a book, lobbing it at the jailor, before pushing the bookshelves between him and the gargoyles forward. As they fell, Derrick ran and away from Kenza and Mistletoe, behind another set of bookshelves. He hoped the jailor would follow, but more than that, he hoped his actions hadn't impeded his teammates.