[center][h3][color=8882be]~Seiko Karuta~[/color][/h3][/center] A redhead sat towards the center of the room, clicking her pen as she silently observed the rest of the people in the room. Well, the room was more crowded then she thought it was going to be, that was for sure. She was certain half of these people were here for the free snacks. That was part of the reason she was here, at least. She could never say no to free food being offered. That, and to get some juicy gossip and stories from this so called 'Occult Club'. She had high hopes for this club and its president as a source of good material for her blog. People ate ghost stories up like little kids ate candy at Halloween. Of course, she was also interested in what exactly the president was planning for the club. Fake hauntings? Setting up some silly ghost or something to jump out at them? Or maybe it was going to be something more mundane like drawing magic circles or some other silly stuff. If it was something like that the entire time, she wasn't sure she'd stick around. Well, aside from writing a little blurb in her blog about a local crazy students try to summon a demon. Heh~ That'd be an interesting little piece for sure. She could probably come back every so often and continue to write stuff like that. That is, if the club president didn't kick her out, of course. Speaking of their new oh-so-glorious (and also quite adorable and cute looking leader if she did say so herself), she was currently standing at the front of the room. She couldn't tell what she was thinking at all. Matsushima Mitsuko. A bit of an ice-queen, if her research was correct. From the look of her, you wouldn't think her to be one that believed in little ghost stories and fairy tails. Appearances could be deceiving, though, and expert ninja of journalism like her knew that better than everyone~ Ah, prez was speaking now, wasn't she? [i][color=7ea7d8]"Good afternoon, everyone. For those of you I have not met previously, I am Matsushima Mitsuko. It is my pleasure to welcome all of you to the first meeting of the newly-refounded Occult Club. Feel free to take a brownie and a bottle of water, if you're so inclined."[/color][/i] Already happened, boss lady. Brownie and bottle of water had already been apprehended and eaten! [i][color=7ea7d8]"Now then, today's meeting agenda is to become acquainted with one another, to discuss preliminary matters pertaining to the occult, and to discuss the theme of this year's Halloween Extravaganza. I will be distributing waivers for those who are interested in that at the end of the meeting. Let's begin. Would anyone like to introduce themselves? Name, year, what brought you here. If you'd like to provide a 'fun fact' or something of that ilk, then feel free so long as it doesn't take several minutes to say."[/color][/i] Hmm~ Juicy. Halloween extravaganza? They were going to have some sort of thing to do with that? Well, Seiko was definitely interested, but for now she simply listened to the other students introduce themselves. Watanabe Yoshi. Oh, wow, Seiko had not expected her to be here! The religious nutjob was an odd sight to see. Now why could she be here? She said she was here to stop the club from consorting with demons. but. What if. [i]she[/i] was already doing it herself? Oho, plot twist! Now that would be a good story. Next up, some taciturn fellow by the name of Zane. Yawn, boring. Maybe had a few juicy tidbits she could wrestle out of him later with a bit of...charm, heh. A delinquent if memory served. They always made for fun blog material. Yamauchi Ai was up next...who, exactly? Huh. It was odd for Seiko not to have not much information on someone. Well, she'd have to rectify that, wouldn't she? And she was followed by Asashiri Yuki. Quite an interesting case (Also adorable, in Seiko's expert opinion on adorableness). Seiko was quite well aware of her work and may or may not have some rather risque pictures of her (Don't ask). Either way, Seiko was definitely interested in getting to know this Yuki a bit better at some point. And lastly, was some sleepy fellow by the name of Furukawa, Travis. Another person she had fairly limited information on. Hmm, she'd have to do some more digging after today, wouldn't she? She'd also waited long enough to introduce herself! Though she didn't think she had to be introduced to everyone. If they didn't know her, then they must have been living under a rock for the entirety of her high-school career. After Travis introduced himself, Seiko stood up and walked over to the board, digital camera hanging from her neck and pencil in hand. With a rather elegant and exaggerated flourish, Seiko wrote her name on the board in big, cursive English letters. [color=8882be]"Seiko Karuta, at your service!"[/color] She introduced herself. [color=8882be]"Yurei high's resident journalist, blogger, and writer of stories at your service! If you don't know me, then find me after the club's over with,"[/color] She said with a fairly suggestive giggle. [color=8882be]"We can get much better acquainted and you can tell me all about yourself and any dirty little secrets you have!~"[/color] Translation: You'd be interrogated until Sei was bored of you. [color=8882be]"Now, why'd I join the club? Well, obviously, because I thought it'd be fun!"[/color] Translation: She was here to mess with everyone, prez included. [color=8882be]"As for a fun fact? Hrm...now that's a difficult one. I'd say...it's that I don't believe in ghosts and supernatural smoke and mirrors one bit."[/color] With that taunt towards the president said, Seiko returned back to her seat and munched happily on another brownie. Damn it, these were delicious. Her pencil and note pad was sitting on her desk, already seemingly filled with a few notes the redhead had taken during the course of everyone elses' introduction.