[color=6ecff6]"Woooaahhh... I was right. Awesome."[/color] Lucy said in amazement as she watched the door open. [color=6ecff6]"Deeper into the temple... I'm excited. But, if this is anythin' like those movies, we gotta watch for traps all over the place. Pressure plates, holes in the wall, you know the shtick."[/color] Ash rolled her eyes as she approached the other two. [color=ed1c24]"As melodramatic as Lucille is being, I agree with the thought. Protecting your lives is my job, so any time your lives are in danger, my job is in danger too. And I take my job very seriously. So, let's all promise to be careful. We have no idea what we're walking into."[/color] [color=6ecff6]"But with that bein' said, let's walk right into it."[/color] Lucy said, looking to the door that had now ground its way open while they were talking. [color=6ecff6]"You wanna lead the way, Winnie?"[/color]