[hr][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjAwY2MxNS5RMmhsYzNSbGNpQk5ZWEo1YkdGdVpBLCwuMAAA/ribbonofhope.medium.png[/img][hr][img]http://i.imgur.com/fRHXMK5.png[/img][/center] Just a little while longer now and he would be out. The world's greatest con artist would be set free, and the economic workings of the world would be in disarray once more! ... Well, that in itself was something of a lie. He liked to dream big. Chester sat in his cell patiently with a smug grin on his face. This was unlike his usual smugly appearance, however most didn't even notice the slight difference in his complexion. Always a master of disguising his true feelings, the not-so-noble prince of rags was notorious for always managing his emotions to play the right cards according to his customer. His most recent client, a young princess of sorts, apparently, fell right for his confident aura. And as it so happened, the aforementioned princess would be his guide back to freedom, lest he be executed the following day. If she weren't an angel in disguise, then he swore he'd better himself as soon as he left the prison. He'd already considered trying to make the worst of himself known inside the prison and attempt the unspeakable with the beauty, however felt it may jeopardize his success at escape, and decided he'd best keep his pants on until [i]after[/i] prison. He still didn't quite believe she were [i]really[/i] a princess. Though the dressed and spoke one, he imagined her more of a nobleman's daughter than anything. He felt that a princess had the authority to bypass the legal system, but again decided against criticism at their meeting the night before, not wanting to make her choose someone else over him. If anyone was going to be set free tonight, then it would be him. And he had it aaaaaaaaaaaall planned out. The raring of his fellow prisoners alerted him to her presence. All the talk about spending time with the lonely prisoners was awfully distasteful in Chester's eyes; if the young woman were to pick anyone from the prison, it would be the one with the most taste, the most class, the most intriguing. Naturally the person with these qualities was none other than himself! He admitted to his narcissism, but wouldn't admit that he was wrong about it. By now Chester could hear her footsteps approaching. Sharp and swift like heels to a stone floor, it excited him, yet he suppressed his excitement under the guise of unwavering charm. [color=chartreuse]"Well well well, what do we have here~?"[/color] Quizzed a voice from the farthest cell in the hall of cells. Alone, with a low flame illuminating his silhouette from within the darkened room, a familiar figure shifted forward. Orange light bathed his body in radiant gold, eyes meeting that of Princess Adrina as she stepped in front of his quarters. Fully dressed in his casual attire, the young man raised an eyebrow and gave a collected smile. [color=chartreuse]"It's good to see you, milady. I feared you might never come!"[/color] His voice held the natural flair all Casanova types seem to bear, the steady waver of elegant and refined speech giving the criminal a sense of nobility, even if he was really just a merchant's boy. [color=chartreuse]"As much as I would love to stay and chat some, I believe we have some important business to attend to. You know, my release and the subsequent release of your sister. Not to worry, I already know how it's going to be done; I planned this out carefully, so it should go down without any problems."[/color] With a contended smile, Chester offers a charming wink. [color=chartreuse]"All that's left now is for you to open the cage, and I will be yours."[/color] Little did Adrina know, his words carried a much more literal meaning to them than what she may have realised in that moment... [@Adrina]