But what if I [i]want[/i] dragons to pay me a visit? And indeed! It’s from [i]The Pagemaster.[/i] It’s an older movie, but I quite like it. I want the Pagemaster's staff so freakin' bad! Eh, just means she’ll be right at home. xD And isn’t that how it usually goes? *Grins.* HA! Ghent and his clumsiness. I love it! Sweet. The library is such a wonderful place. Of course! Good to know what you think of that. And agreed. Though I don’t like it and avoid it whenever possible, media these days is riddled with it, so it’s just one of those things for me. Like you said, as long there isn’t too much, and not the “biggies.” Please let me know if you get the chance to listen to it! Oh, good. Glad it helped! Well, the madder the better, right? Thanks about Swallowhill Swamp! I should probably start writing down the places I mention, though. I think there were a couple others, but I forgot to make a note of them, and now I don’t actually remember. Excluding the important ones. Those ones I remember. Join the club, my friend! Sweet. I look forward to it! NEW COLLECTION! :lol And aww, thanks. :-3