I've done a patch update on my champs. [h2][b]Klara:[/b][/h2] -Ice Totem: Can now summon more than one at a time -Viking Salute Removed -Cold Cleave: Can now use weapons created. -Frostfall: Now needs a totem to shatter. -New Supermove, Snøskred [i]Klara's power grappler moveset is solid, but her ki powers and special moves felt a bit mixed and arbitrary. They've been retooled to center more around a specific style, namely the creation of constructs. Cold Cleave is more versatile and her style will center a lot more around creative usage of Ice Totems, including a new super that better fits her power hitting style.[/i] [h2][b]Vindani:[/b][/h2] -Theme changed [i]Snake lady's fine, but her theme song is better suited to a final boss character rather and she's more of a recurring antagonist.[/i]