[@Caits][@Vicier][and the others in failing to tag] [h2] [color=lightgreen]Aron Brooks[/color] [/h2] [hr] Aron felt a faint blush creep onto his ears as he heard Cody's heart speed up. It was odd being able to hear such a thing. In fact he really hadn't been paying much attention to how he was affected by the wolf attack. The blush deepened when he noticed Cody was blushing. He cleared his throat trying to appear to be just fine. Aron tilted his head and felt a smile grow on his face. [color=lightgreen]"I'll treasure it always"[/color] he meant that. To have someone do something so...amazing for him. It really made him feel special. The smile managed to grow and the blush faintly appeared on his cheeks. [color=lightgreen]"I love you too Cody."[/color] He felt himself melt into the hug. Aron blinked before nodding. [color=lightgreen]"Sure. I definitely need more then just one pair of shorts and a pack of hans shirts"[/color] he nodded again. [color=lughtgreen]"I bet they would. I don't really want to leave but we should go before my brain decides the bean bag and I are one"[/color] he managed to stand and held out his hand to help Cody out of the bean bag. [hr] [h2] [color=lavender]Gage Brooks[/color] [/h2] [hr] Gage was fully absorbed in watched syleste. When she smiled he felt a small smile tug at his own lips. She was okay. As her hand traced his he felt his thumb lightly trace her hand. As she turned her head gage felt himself brighten. Then gage felt confusion as she moved his hand over her heart. Then, the promise. He leaned forward and gently kissed her forehead. A display of affection and care that was hardly ever glimpsed from him...the others in the room completely forgotten about. Silence passed before he spoke again. [color=lavender]"You should get some rest. I promise I'll still be here when you wake up again"[/color] his voice was soft and loving...but also laced with a small amount of concern. He was still worried about her.