Please do not post a character here until you have received approval from the GM. To apply, post a completed CS in the OOC tab, or message it to me. Thank you! [i]Note: Any positions which are not filled will be filled by NPCs. Additionally, positions can be created by characters in their CS if it is approved by the GM.[/i] [u]Crew[/u] Pilot -- Co-Pilot -- Navigator -- Mechanical Engineer -- Electrical Technician -- Quartermaster -- [u]Willman Expedition[/u] Fireteam Leader (Sergeant) -- Assistant Fireteam Leader (Corporal) -- Rifleman (Private) -- Rifleman (Private) -- Doctor (Medical Professional) -- Scientist(s) -- Official/Inspector -- [u]Character Sheet[/u] [b]Name[/b]: [b]Age[/b]: [b]Gender[/b]: [b]Profession[/b]: [b]Nationality[/b]: [i]I would recommend stating both the specific nationality (Like, Japanese) and also the political bloc that country belongs to (I.e. American Alliance)[/i] [b]Birth Planet[/b]: [i]Or station, in the case of the BASS or the Willman[/i] [b]Appearance[/b]: [i]Please write a description. If you’d like, you may include a picture as well in the space above the “Name” section. Please do not use drawings or anime.[/i] [b]Strengths[/b]: [i]You must have at least as many weaknesses as you do strengths, and no less than two.[/i] [b]Weaknesses[/b]: [b]Personality[/b]: [b]History[/b]: [i]This may be as brief or expansive as you’d like it to be. Just remember, revealing and expanding upon events in a character’s life is far more powerful when done IC – and that when you write something here, and not in the IC, other characters won’t know anything about it.[/i] [b]Family[/b]: [i]Does your character have a spouse, or children? Are their parents still alive? Here you may list the names and ages of the character’s immediate family, if you so choose. This is mainly here because, again, lots of death in act one. You may end up playing as one of these folks in act two, if you so choose.[/i] [hr] [hider=John Howard] [b]Name[/b]: John Howard [b]Age[/b]: 38 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Profession[/b]: Operations Sergeant, United States Special Forces [b]Nationality & Affiliation[/b]: American, American Alliance [b]Birth Planet[/b]: Earth [b]Appearance[/b]: John stands at six foot two, with short brown hair well below military regulation length, and a hard and emotionless face. His eyes are dark brown to match his hair, and his body is muscular just by the sheer requirement of his work in the field. He isn’t unattractive by any means, but he rarely smiles anymore – at least not genuinely. This gives him an element of distance which some (especially those outside of the military) find a bit off-putting or strange. [b]Strengths[/b]: [u]Primary[/u] – John has been enlisted in the United States Special forces for over a decade. He’s been trained on Earth and in the colonies. He’s been deployed to more places than most have visited. Simply put, he is a shining example of a competent and resourceful soldier. [u]Secondary[/u] – Due to the rigor of his work, John is in peak physical shape, far surpassing most men, despite his age of nearly forty. [u]Tertiary[/u] – John has been managing fireteams and personnel for years. As such, he’s developed inherent tactics to deal with team morale and tricky situations involving his group. Combine that with a natural sense of charisma, and John makes a fine leader in even relatively hostile environments. [b]Weaknesses[/b]: [u]Primary[/u] – Though he isn’t stupid, John has absolutely no schooling on the fields of science, including astrophysics and biology. He is totally in the dark when the conversation shifts to these topics, or when application of this particular brand of knowledge is necessary. [u]Secondary[/u] – While John has developed a sense of rapport and communication with his subordinates, he often comes off as brash and demanding to civilians, especially during stressful situations when he needs to give orders directly without wasting time. As a result, he may end up alienating some of the civilian members of the expedition, or be unable to rally them the same way he would with his squad. [u]Tertiary[/u] – Ever since the death of his wife two years’ prior, John has developed a concerning alcohol problem. It manifests more when he isn’t deployed and has more downtime, but lately he’s started carrying a flask with him almost everywhere, and a bottle of whisky can always be found somewhere in his quarters. He uses the drink to stave off a deepening sense of hopelessness and depression, a void which his work has long since ceased to fill. [b]Personality[/b]: John Howard is a man who tries his best to hide his emotions, and does it quite well. While it may not be unusual for him to crack a joke or give a halfhearted smile, there isn’t usually any amusement in his eyes. He’s quite good at instilling emotions in others which have long since withered in himself. It’s been a long time since he’s felt true happiness. Still, he is the type who gives his all no matter what has happened, and he has not stopped being an exemplary soldier. He cares for his fireteam and the civilians on board the expedition in equal measure, even though they may not ever see that from him, and he has no desire for them to recognize it. [b]History[/b]: John was born an only child in Boston, Massachusetts, to a Colonel in the U.S. Army, his father, and a financial accountant, his mother. John’s mother died when he was seven, and his father was never all that great at raising a kid. They moved around often, wherever he was needed, and John simply learned to give up the prospect of making meaningful relationships. Initially, he wanted nothing to do with the military, and, partially trying to distance himself from his father’s legacy, went to college for business. He graduated with decent grades and a job out of the gate, at a tech startup. However, he found no joy in it, and after his father was diagnosed with terminal cancer he resolved to go into the military. His dad passed away not too long after he completed basic training. For a few years, he was alone; all he had was his work -- and he did [i]exceptional[/i] work. He rose through the commissioned ranks of the Army, before being selected to join the Special Forces. It was around this time that he met a girl, Susannah, at a bar while he was on leave. The two started a relationship that kept blossoming even when he was away on duty. They married a year later, and were together for just six months before an incident on the highway caused her car to be thrown into the oncoming lane. She died instantly. John was away when it happened – he didn’t hear until days later. Ever since then, he’s been alone, just as he was before. He proceeded to pour more of his energy into his work, and was well rewarded for it. Between routine stations on Earth, John has been sent to Mars, Hawking, and Tyson to take command of the local American militia forces and train discipline and readiness in the face of potential attacks. He has been tasked with protecting key government officials on Luna and the B.A.S.S.. Even still, much more of his work is classified, known only to those in the highest echelons of the American military. [b]Family[/b]: [i]John has no family.[/i] [/hider] [hider=Elizabeth Sinclair] [b]Name[/b]: Elizabeth “Lizzie” Sinclair [b]Age[/b]: 31 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Profession[/b]: Colonial Affairs Junior Administrator for the Mars Colony [b]Nationality[/b]: British, Commonwealth [b]Birth Planet[/b]: Earth [i](But she spent most of her adult life on Mars)[/i] [b]Appearance[/b]: Elizabeth is a petite brunette with sharp blue eyes that carry a sense of mischief and intellect. She is by all accounts attractive, and she often wears a smirk that seems to be a precursor for a witty retort. She stands at 5’4”, and is in pretty fit shape for a government official. Elizabeth’s hair is often done up in a loose bun, and she teeters between looking professional and being comfortable. The result is her own unique style, which gives off the impression that she really doesn’t care what anyone else thinks, but has still managed to have quite a successful career despite it. In actuality, she has reached a level of success and popularity back on Mars where she no longer needs to prove much of anything to anyone. [b]Strengths[/b]: Primary – Elizabeth is highly intelligent and resourceful, having managed to rise from total obscurity into a prestigious post in the Commonwealth’s governing administration on Mars. Secondary – Elizabeth has a silver tongue; she is gifted in the art of conversation, and can almost always win someone over to her side with enough time and exposure. [b]Weaknesses[/b]: Primary – Elizabeth has zero combat training, other than very basic self-defense lessons taught to her by her father as a child. As a result, she is near useless in a combat zone, and must rely much more heavily on her charisma than her martial ability. Secondary – She has the tendency to bite off more than she can chew: whenever opportunity comes knocking, she takes it, regardless of if she has the time or skill to handle it. Usually she’s able to feign stability, though there have been times where this has come back to haunt her. [b]Personality[/b]: Elizabeth is disarmingly genuine, to the point where most people forget that they’re talking to a bureaucrat. She insists that people call her Lizzie or Liz, and remains optimistic even at the darkest of times. She is the unique mix of ambitious and kind: willing to do anything both to further herself and help all those around her. Additionally, she has a sharp wit, and is one of the first ones to crack a joke when it is needed. Most of the time, she simply doesn’t let things get to her – when they do, Elizabeth becomes quiet and detached, but rarely ever lashes out. [b]History[/b]: Elizabeth was born in Canterbury, England, to a nurse (her mother) and a police officer (her father). As a child she seemed to have a natural charisma, and made friends with everyone even as she excelled and thrived in an academic setting. She was an exemplary student in college, graduating third in her class at Oxford, and was offered a job as an administrative aide immediately after graduation. After about two years, she was offered a promotion in the Mars colony and took it, boarding a shuttle and leaving her family and her planet. Upon reaching Mars, she found that the largest human colony was beset with a myriad of issues. The birth rate was off the charts following the successes of the Bessel Station’s sustainability initiative, securing an abundance of food for the colony. The population was growing at an alarming rate, and the infrastructure simply could not accommodate it. Elizabeth set to work fixing that. She dedicated the next five years of her life to getting things done from a position of obscurity, before being praised personally by the Colonial Governor of Hampton (The Commonwealth colony on Mars) and promoted yet again, this time as a junior administrator for the Global Coalition, in the upper echelons of the colonial political sphere. From this position, she had the ability to develop relationships with some of the most powerful people in the solar system – including the Governor, the Prime Minister of the Commonwealth, and Francois Moreau, the Executive Director of Colonial Affairs for the Global Coalition. It was he who asked her to join the expedition to the Willman Lab, as he felt that her resourcefulness and administrative talents may be of great use in the case of a potential colonial catastrophe. [b]Family[/b]: Elizabeth has a brother, Aaron, who is four years her junior and is currently an associate at a law firm on Earth. Both of her parents are still alive, and are retired and in their sixties living in England. [/hider]