[center][h2][color=lightgreen]Luci[/color][/h2][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/51fc61ac770a524e9468f174afa94d7f/tumblr_inline_n1xc79Kcic1rb3m8r.png[/img][/center] [color=lightgreen]"Hmph, that'll teach you!"[/color] The slime girl cast aside her armaments and returned to the form of Hell's adorable princess, stomach now roiling from the carnal energies it had consumed when it melted Fran in a deluge of ballistic sludge. Were she not capable of literally consuming anything then she would have liked to think eating the creature that offended her was sickening, but such was not to be. With the parting of the red haze over her vision she noticed the throne room was significantly emptier, most everyone having departed, even the cute singing frog was nowhere to be seen! [color=lightgreen]"Momma, you want to send the puppy woman out there? I thought she was going to be an indoor pet!"[/color] And making matters even worse was Lucille insisting Artoria go out and be social, meaning Luci couldn't even cuddle an actual puppy woman all day! She gaze the supine beastkin a rough pet between her ears before patting enthusiastically. [color=lightgreen]"Alright, you be a good puppy out there and don't get captured. If you make momma happy I'll get you lots of treats!"[/color] Saying her words with the firmness of a monarch and the frivolity of a child, the slime bobbed her head in what she assumed was a solemn manner and left Artoria to enter glorious battle and bring back more cute pets for Hell, leaving the adorably feathered Ira to entertain her in the interim. [color=lightgreen]"Pet the birdy~!"[/color] [hr][center][h2][color=lightpink]Ananta[/color][/h2][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/51fc61ac770a524e9468f174afa94d7f/tumblr_inline_n1xc79Kcic1rb3m8r.png[/img][/center] As enjoyable a Juno and Celene's company was and how curious the presence of Deva's fursona was, battle had drawn Ananta from the comfort of Celestia amidst an outpouring of angelic warriors. Scales danced over parched earth while the buffeting winds of a vast host whirled around her from above and amidst this cacophony of wind and gnashing metal, a serpent joined the undead revenant at the tip of the spear. [color=lightpink]"Is this not a vibrant gathering?"[/color] The Bindings of the Triumirti remarked to Torag as the light of a distant bombardment reflected the lament of demons off her fluttering shawl. [color=lightpink]"Makes me wonder what welcome they have prepared for us."[/color] Her curiosity was soon sated as a lone entity stood before, or perhaps it would have been apt to call the Swarm an army into and of itself, as the deluge of micro machines unleashed launched itself upon blessed blades and righteous shields with nary an eye batted. An impressive display for one lacking colossal size or monstrous power as of yet. Serpentine eyes narrowed as the first shots were fired and intelligent projectiles came upon them. As she was lacking in armor and her shawl wasn't much of a shield against ranged attacks, the serpent was forced to pause in her tracks and hurl forth a quintet of paper tags into the air before, whereupon they stuck flat as though upon an invisible wall and prepared for impact. When the projectiles drew close an octagonal prism would form to trap the nanite bullets and render them a moot concern for the naga. [Center][@The 42nd Gecko][@TheWindel][@Mega Birb][@Banana][@Flamelord][@floodtalon][@Lmpkio][/center]