[sup]Collab With: [@Grijs][/sup][hr] [color=DADADA]Fuchsia slammed her back into the inside of the empty train car. Heavy breaths came to her, filling her lungs with the frigid night air, as her knees began to tremble. Did they hear her? Did they see her? No no, this wasn't right-- she was trapped now-- The scrape of stone against stone, gravel being disturbed, caused her anxious thoughts to halt. What made Fuchsia the most fearful about her pursuers, those strange men in Grey, was the fact that they just kept finding her. No matter how far she went, how many times she lost them, they would be there, at a distance or in a corner, walking steadily toward her. Taking a deep breath, Fuchsia held it, so that she could concentrate on listening. Softly was the sound of drizzling rain, collecting in puddles and trickling down the side of the rusty train car. Bugs chorused in the night, accenting the quiet, almost lulling Fuchsia into a sense of safety. Were it not for the steady crunch of gravel beneath foot, she would have found the night peaceful relax. But there it was, steady, though it was getting softer, it seemed. As her legs shook she inwardly screamed for them to stop-- she needed to be steady, quick, and silent if she were to escape this train car and get into the thick treeline. Gently she placed one soaked foot before the other, clinging to the inside of the rail car, for surely her life depended on it, as she moved closer toward the open door.[/color] [color=F053A3][i]"If you can see them,"[/i][/color] [color=DADADA]Fuchsia warned herself internally,[/color] [color=F053A3][i]"They can see you."[/i][/color] [color=DADADA]What was she now? A spy or something? Look-- she made no claim to knowledge of subterfuge or stealth, not even knowledge of how the world itself worked but, this had proven to be something of an indisputable fact so far, and one that didn't seem to matter much half the time either. Anxiety clawed at her insides, clenching them into a tight ball, as she slowly leaned toward the rail car opening for a glimpse of the night outside. Bright lights, probably having been white in the distant past, illuminated the rail yard with a wet orange glow-- it made Fuchsia feel as if she were in a giant tub of orange juice, even if that thought was weird. More importantly, she didn't see anyone or anything moving outside at the moment, but the weight of their nefarious intentions against her pressed heavily upon her mind.[/color] [color=DADADA]Slowly and with powerful weight to the words, a voice not her own, commanded from within her mind,[/color] [color=5D2340][i][b]"Make them answer for their crimes."[/b][/i][/color] [color=DADADA]Fuchsia answered it internally, [color=F053A3][i]"No... I gotta leave. I don't have the time."[/i][/color] He didn't have to say it but Fuchsia knew the voice was displeased with her. As usual. Without another delay, Fuchsia lowered herself from the train car, slowly, using her arms to lower the rest of her body as close to the ground as she could, before setting foot on it. As she stared to the side, the wide framed Grey Man's silhouette broke up the light of the night. Around his body, there blazed a yellow field, radiating caution and energy, slowly shifting color as other feelings interrupted its purity-- it made Fuchsia strangely thirsty to look at. Swallowing hard, she began to creep away from the rail car, across a set of crisscrossing railroad tracks, and further into the maze of sleeping trains. Feet became yards as soon, Fuchsia found her evasion far more successful than she expected it to be. Had her distraction really been so effective? While Fuchsia didn't exactly count on it to be so easy to do, she wasn't going to count the flare laying on the railroad tracks to be anything less than exactly what she needed when she needed it, and exactly what the Grays were apparently distracted by. Once she made her way to the treeline, Fuchsia abandoned all forms of subtlety or sneakiness and broke out into a full sprint. Thank goodness for all that track and field she'd had in school years ago. She knew that it was the sole reason why she hadn't been captured already. As she leapt over bushes, tore over downed trees, and zigzagged wildly through the woods-- that's what you were supposed to do right?-- a strange feeling caught her attention. She was being watched. Fuchsia’s steps came to a halt and she panted heavily. Confused, she looked up then saw him. On a hill above her, there stood a man.[/color] [b]“You seem like you need help-- there's no time. Beyond this hill they won't find you,”[/b] [color=DADADA]said the man confidently. For a moment, Fuchsia was a bit taken aback at his sudden appearance. Who was this? Why did he want to help her? Then again, when Fuchsia took a look over her shoulder, she knew there wasn’t much time to ask such questions. Without another moment’s hesitation, Fuchsia began taking large strides up the hill. As she neared him, Fuchsia tried her best to get a look at his face. A brief glimpse was all she could catch when she neared him. He looked young, innocent even, and a scar stood out oddly over his lip, giving him a bit of distinction.[/color] [b]"Call me Dusk,”[/b] [color=DADADA]he told her reassuringly,[/color] [b]“I'm like you. And I'm here to bring folks such as us together before those People do. Come North." [/b][color=DADADA]Dusk then murmured quietly,[/color] [b]“I hope you're dressed for this weather.”[/b] [color=F053A3]“I uh...”[/color] [color=DADADA]Fuchsia abandoned the statement before it took hold. If he were like her well, eventually he’d understand why she didn’t need to “dress for the weather” but, this explanation wasn’t as important as running, at the moment. Dusk had told her what to do. North, right? [/color]