Hi all! I'm "back in the saddle", as it were! I'm looking forward to diving in and taking part in the beautiful creative expression happening all over this site. Allow me to introduce myself: [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Jo [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 28 [u][b]City:[/b][/u] St. Louis [u][b]Vocation:[/b][/u] Non-profit, BUT preparing to leave in the fall to teach English in China. [b][u]Family:[/u][/b] Oldest of three, my sister's been living with me for the last couple years. Not married, currently dating a lovely man with a lovely dog. Youngest brother is in college and it's weird for me (he'll always be the baby brother, I don't care if he's 6'2''). [u][b]Hobbies:[/b][/u] I'm a classical singer currently performing with a chamber chorus in the area. I'm also tutoring a Syrian refugee in English. I play D&D with some friends once a week. [u][b]Roleplay Experience:[/b][/u] Oh my goodness, roleplaying was ALL I EVER DID when I was a teenager. I considered myself "Advanced" and had pretty high standards. I was probably the kind of roleplayer I would look at now and quickly label as "pretentious". But I haven't roleplayed regularly in probably a good 10 years. There are a number of reasons for that, most prominent being a lack of creativity and feeling like I didn't have a safe space to explore and make mistakes. Making the decision to live abroad is fulfilling a life's dream of mine, and it's opened so many avenues within myself. I feel like I've rediscovered the "me" that I shoved aside the second I left for college. The siren song of the writing craft has been weaving it's way around me for the last couple years, calling me back. I feel like I've lost some skill, but this seems like a wonderful space to explore again. I look forward to befriending you folks and writing some wonderful stories together!