Dzierżysław heard this bearded chuj speak his mind. He certainly shouted all of this gówno loud enough. It'd be a small wonder if the Evil Overlord didn't know that their sorry dupa were making their way over to pay him a visit in five pierdolony minutes. "Pieprzyć mnie," Dzierżysław muttered, turning around. He wasn't the type to let people kill themselves. He might be a grumpy dupa, but he wasn't that much of a pizda. So he sucked in a breath and grabbed this wizard-looking fellow by the collar. Hoping the Szatan-looking Skurwielu would just follow his lead, Dzierżysław dragged his loud and obnoxious chuj into an alleyway next to the tavern. He cast an eye around, and seeing no overt spies, dropped his voice so that only the chuj and he could hear it. "Listen here mały idiota, I am called Dzierżysław Folster, and you would do well to listen closely. Shouting your grozny gówno in the broad of daylight amidst the public? Głupi pierdolony idea! What I mean to say is, that pizda overlord you want dead? You and your dupa are getting killed in an instant! I appreciate your jądra, mały idiota, but you are going to need to take five pierdolony minutes to think about what you are doing and how. Got it? Dobra, chodźmy." Dzierżysław looked at the chuj expectantly, and then let go of his collar. He had white knuckles that tingled from gripping him so urgently. Maybe he had a real reason to want this pizda dead. But he supposed it ought to be done right, or not at all. "You can call me Dick by the way, since I know all you dziewczęta luźno mówione can't pronounce gówno." [hr] [hider=Polish Cuss and Non-Cuss Key:] [i]Pierdolony = Fucking Chuj = Dick Pizda = C*nt Gówno = Shit Dupa = Ass Pieprzyć mnie = Fuck me Skurwielu = Motherfucker Grozny = Dangerous Głupi = Stupid Dobra, chodźmy. = Okay, let's go. Dziewczęta luźno mówione = Loose-tongued whores[/i] "Where'd you get all this?" "Pierdolony Google Translate!" [/hider]