Granted, a new dumb AF slang term to do with social media that just so happens to rhyme with orange is created. However the sheer inane mediocrity of a term whose only purpose is to express vague amusement at its phonetic semblance to another similarly gimmicky word, leads you to, when you discover this new term, and the ways in which it is being used on "hip" and "trending" websites, ultimately kill yourself in a vain protest of the futility of humanity and your inevitable demise is both made a mockery of on Twitter and forever enshrined as the #Clorange_Killing. I wish we eradicate stupid. And it should be noted that as the wisher, I'm pretty much perfectly okay with obliterating our sorry excuse for a race. So, it wouldn't be a crush to do that. Just, get rid of the stupid please. Kill it with fire.