[quote=@Meta] A) That is a 100% fitting line for a weeb. B) "Watching somebody embarrass herself requires a deep understanding of Japan" B.1) Also a super weeaboo thing to say. C) I never claimed it was; I claimed GD was. I said it was cringe humor, which isn't necessarily funny. Don't mix up my statements about the two. Your only argument is "You don't understand!" Which is childish and invalid. D) Still terrible and not funny. [/quote] A) That doesn't make it less true. B) I never said "a deep understanding of japan." I said "a basic baseline of knowledge about everyday life in japan's culture." There is a vast difference. B.1) This basically just proves my point that you don't know what weeaboo means. C) You LITERALLY DID THOUGH. You asked if it was cringe after calling the series cringe humor. That is literally claiming exactly that. My argument isn't even that, it's just "you're not getting the intended results." You can watch OPM without knowing anime and superhero stereotypes, but you're not going to get the same experience out of it. D) Shut your whore mouth.