As the rotund barkeep shouted a name at the door, Salina turned to look. She couldn’t help herself as her eyebrows raised in surprise. This man was massive. She had seen plenty of brutes in her lifetime but he was different. Something magical, or monstrous, must have been going on with this man. However, when he opened his mouth, she was even more surprised to hear the timidity in his voice. Someone like that had to have the ability to crush the barkeep’s head between his thumb and forefinger yet he acted as though he were a mere page. As she looked at the towering man, something felt off. She casually reached a hand to her chest, seeming to finger something under her simple black shirt. It was then that she realized her magic was nowhere to be found. Usually it was lurking, a small undercurrent that was poking and prodding those she had her attention on. She didn’t usually get anything from it unless she was focusing but now, it seemed to have slunk away to hide. This allowed a small knot to form in her stomach and she realized she was afraid. It wasn’t just his size that was intimidating, but the fact that her magic seemed to be afraid of him too. Salina gave a polite smile to the large man. [color=30A1FA]“Good evening Batharyn.”[/color] She said, keeping her voice cool despite her uneasiness. She reached into the pouch at her hip and procured a silver coin, one of her last. [color=30A1FA]“My horse is the white stallion. His name is Caspar. Please take very good care of him.”[/color] She realized that she wasn’t sure if she wanted him around her beloved horse. [color=30A1FA]“Mind if I come with you to collect the rest of my things?”[/color] She held the silver out to him, a little worried about how gentle this man could be.