[@BurningDaisies] You say not to apologize, I do it even more. XP It's so annoying to shop for clothes and spend money on a job I'm not yet doing. I gotta tell my bank account that in a month or two, it'll all be paid off. :/ I still feel like I don't have to go for another 3 months even though it's less than a month now. /continues to sob I'm gonna miss baking since it sounds like I'll only have one burner. My inner baker is trying to do as much as I can now before I won't have a chance...American problems. I'd like to get this up before I go, so we have a few posts before I disappear for a week or two during training and buying the internet. [@Grey] I'm sorry you've been sick. Is it allergies or something else? Did you have any ideas on your other sibling? Even just an image/name would be enough to get things rolling for now.