"That might be best," Geode sighed, "Fate was not meant to be unravelled by magic. Time is a delicate obstacle. That sword itself threatens to shatter the universe if misused. Consider yourself fortunate that it lies in our possession, and not in the order's." "On that matter," Mikey stepped in, "Jenso has told me of a prophecy that he and Bruce came across in the temples of the old sages-" "Pay that no mind," Geode grunted, "Vale was rather fatalistic in his earlier years, even more-so than now. He created that prophecy to maintain his position as ruler of the first mages. It also gained him the favour of my golems, who assumed the man in red to be a future incarnation of [i]me.[/i] It is merely one of the likely fates." "I see... Never-the-less, I think we should avoid having Jenso face off against Yzeira. Remember, we will have plenty of time to prepare for this fight, and won't need to rush for that red bastard right away. He'll be busy channelling that rip in the sky, I reckon. Geode has mentioned it may take quite a long time for him to finish, as well..." Mikey looked over the group. It seemed that everyone had a chance to speak. "I think that just about does it for this meeting." "I will now announce tonight's schedule, and give a brief overview of today's meeting..." "For training, I must first discern each and every one of your strengths and weaknesses. Meet me in the training arena, one after the other, starting from 4 PM. Jeff, you'll be first. I will call the rest of you in sequence. This will allow me to plan a proper training regimen for the rest of the week. Once I'm finished with you, Jeff, begin the first test assault on the tower. Then relay the data to me, we will review the result at tomorrow's meeting. Luke, I would like you to come with me while I observe our Trumps. I will also help you train, later in the night. Geode.. You'll be giving lectures, starting tomorrow, in 1-on-1 sessions with each trump. Ross, as much as I appreciate your participation, you can do as you please as long as it doesn't interfere with my schedule. For now, please, focus on yourself." "Gotchya kiddo," Ross grunted. "Today, we've gone over possible strategies. Tomorrow we will be reviewing the results of our first wave of robots, and the capabilities of our fighters in depth. I will also release Monday's schedule. From here, Sunday, our meeting is finished." Mikey smiled and pumped his fist into the air. "Good luck everyone! I look forward to working with you!" [center][hr] [h1]~ End Of Chapter 134 ~[/h1][/center]