[center][h1][color=gold]Lorelei Baggett[/color][/h1][/center] [center][h3] Church Church Interior, The Church [/h3][/center] Another servant had been in a rush? Things had seemed a tad odd upon her arrival, then again perhaps that was her overthinking things at the moment. Though before she could actually answer the Ruler's greeting with her own, a strange man ran into the building. No, calling it a man would not be right. One moment it was moving about, the next it was eerily taking on an entirely new persona and set of mannerisms that left a slight disgust in the pit of Lorelei's stomach. It was unnatural, and left her with one primary guess at what it was. This was some kind of familiar of a necromancer, so it seemed. Having had a not so pleasant run-in with a necromancer before, she was not much of a fan of them. Still, she held back a reaction and listened on intently as the familiar asked Ruler some questions about the war similar to what she had been thinking. Indeed, even the answers were interesting, as it seemed only seven servants needed to die to facilitate the materialization of the Holy Grail. Seven, unlike the larger numbers she had heard would arrive here. She had a high amount of confidence in this Ruler to keep things in order despite the numbers of participants, though, but at the same time there were just so many unanswered questions, and Ruler's answers for the familiar were only deepening the curiosity she had on the matter of the Holy Grail War. Though now she had a different questions beyond the general things the familiar had brought up...primarily, matters about just who put this Grail War together and such. That is, if Ruler could and would be willing to answer her. To understand this ritual, she needed to start from the beginning...or at least that would be the preferable method. Indeed, possibly an alliance could be forged to help her stay safe while digging deeper into this matter since only seven servants needed to die. Then again, that would be if the word got out or if anyone believed her saying that Ruler said those exact words. Lovely. [color=gold]"Pardon me,"[/color] Lorelei said in a s polite a manner as she could muster, boldly taking a step or two forward after Ruler had finished speaking to the familiar, interjecting herself into things after a moment or two of silence to get Ruler's attention without interrupting things in the process, albeit a slight nervousness crept up into her chest as the thought of others sniping her own questions and answers came up, [color=gold]"Might i have a word or two about some things with you in private, Ruler? Only if such a thing is permissible by you of course."[/color] She felt what she wanted to ask about, perhaps about her servant beyond these general Grail War questions or information gathering, might possibly be a sensitive matter. Or perhaps it was not. Either way she did not want to risk offending her servant again beyond their lack of...'sizable' accommodations for the giant man if she asked about him, and if she was able to get some other info she did not want other masters possibly hijacking the info if she could help it. This was a war, and to underestimate the value of good information and such would be stupid for any master. And being on neutral ground, if the other pair she saw in the same room as them attacked it would be their punishment and loss. Unless she was killed before that happened. Yikes, she had not thought much upon that matter. [hr] [center][h1][color=violet]Chi-You[/color][/h1][/center] [center][h3] Traveling In Style?, Ernest's Limo, Eastern Fuyuki [/h3][/center] The tyrant had merely glanced over the female thrall, silently rejecting the offer for what it had cooked. It was somewhat attractively kept up, so it seemed, but at the same time it was sad and unappealing due to not being alive. Men, women, she had filled her tastes in life to the brim with whatever she had wanted....and what she had wanted, she had taken without question. Such was the manner of the world in her day and age. Beyond that thought she simply listened on to her master as the two of them went about things and eventually got back into the small and cramp car the Grail told her was a "limousine" and supposed to be a fancy mode of transportation. Yet she supposed she would entertain the idea of listening to this man who was her master and see if he proved his worth to her. Were he a foolish and unworthy man, then finding another master might be an idea for her. Still, he was adequate for now while she would observe and do her work as a servant. Eventually, once Ernest had finished telling her and asking her quite a deal of things, the tyrant gave a sigh and spoke to the man as the limo moved along through the roads. She was also somewhat glad that at least this metallic chariot could hold up her weight while moving, though a glorious chariot pulled by great steeds was more her style. Then again, running into the fray herself and having her weapons biting into the flesh of her enemies like ravenous demons was also her style at times as well. [color=violet]"As for an ambush, it is a good plan. But from where would you ambush? The forest? A building? The enemy can likely sense us, as i am not an Assassin. From how far away from the neutral grounds of Ruler's territory would we ambush as well? You must keep these things in mind. Hell, a writer from my own homeland did a job job at writing about war. You people still read his book in these times,"[/color] the giant of a woman said, lightly rolling her eyes but speaking with a tone between that of a teacher trying to correct a student and an exasperated king who just wanted some battle, beer, or booty in some order or another. Perhaps the middle one first depending upon how her new subordinate behaved, the latter if she found a beautiful woman or man that took her fancy. But moving on from this point, the tyrant raised an eyebrow as she was asked about her motivations for the war. She hadn't even been here a full 24 hours in this world again, but it was not a bad idea to check motives. No, that was a good idea to ask on the part of her subordinate, to make sure he was in line with the king. That, and the matter of personal motivation interested Chi-You as well. [color=violet]"Heh...you wish to know the king's motivations, do you? My goals for this? Perhaps why i came to your call in your moment of desperation?"[/color] the Saber-class servant said, giving a light and rather amused chuckle at the subject before looking up at the roof of the limo above her for a moment, taking a breath before looking back down at Ernest with a wicked grin. [color=violet]"I wish to fight until every drop of my blood has exited my body, to conqueror all enemies i can until i meet my match among these heroes. In life i died trying to make a tactical retreat by my greatest foe, who intelligently had my limbs chopped off and my weapons scattered to the four winds after this. But i had struck such terror into them that they worshiped me as a god afterwards! Hahaha!!!"[/color] the tyrant said without hesitation, a hearty guwaff in every laugh of hers at the end of her speaking, taking a moment to revel in her memories of life, and those moment before her death as well, though soon her look became more sober after a bit as her train of thought changed, and she continued to speak while looking up at the roof of the limo once more, [color=violet]"As for the Grail itself, i assume you have a goal, yes? Something worthy of pursuit that would lead you to enter war? What is it you desire of this wish-granting device?"[/color] Her words resonated in a moment of silence as she allowed her master time to possibly let that sink in. [color=violet]"Back in my day everything i had i had taken for myself. I led my people from battle to battle, monstrous individual and humans alike as we took what our hearts desires, pursuing the sunset and riches that lied beyond it without regret. And even after i died my descendants and people spread out and formed kingdoms of their own, though nothing that we once had according to that cup,"[/color] the tyrant continued, looking back down at Ernest once more, her eyes staring dead into his own without a moment of backing off, her aura as a servant and a king very noticeable in her stare, [color=violet]"Many might call me a fool for this wish, but it is of no matter. I desire the Grail for one thing: To be incarnated into this world once more in my full glory and power, my weapons at my side, and to see what this 'modern' world has to offer for the rest of my days. Surely it is lesser in many a way than when i came from, but perhaps i can again forge an empire, to feel the wind on my back, to see the sprawling land beyond my home nation, and to once again perceive the roaring heat of battle on my skin as i hew down my foes."[/color] [color=violet]"Truthfully, though, your fear and desperation in part drew me to that ritual of yours outside the church as well. To live you must fight for that very right, and to get what you desire you must fear losing it and fight like a demon to acquire it until you have bled your last drops of blood. I sensed the beginning those sorts of things and a primal drive to attain you victory in you, mage. So do not get me wrong, i am not here to help you out of pity. I am here to see if you meet my expectations and will fight for what you desire until the bitter end, for that is how life should be lived. Otherwise, it is not life, but stagnation. And of course i am doing this to gain my own desires for this conflict of course,"[/color] the giant female said once more, the blunt nature of her tone and wording betraying her utter sincerity on the matter. [hr] [@Moonlit Sonata] [@Beloss] [@DrowsyPangolin]