Oh cool, I'll hop on this train. I agree, Last of Us is super overrated, and I generally hated every character involved in that story. Though for me, [b]Underrated[/b] [url=http://store.steampowered.com/app/342560/Airships_Conquer_the_Skies/]"Airships, Conquer the Skies"[/url] This is a side scrolling, 2D, sandbox, RTS that is currently an Indie game on Steam. It's got all the awesome things you want in a Steampunk airship based RTS where you can build your own airships from scratch, planning out the placement of coal, suspensium, repair tools, corridors, you fucking name it. It's still in early access and is being developed by one Swiss guy. But damn, its coming along real nicely, to a point that this was the first game I ever gotten into Modding (Check out the DocPeabody's mod pack if you want something more than 17 century cannons on your airship, *cough cough* Yamato Guns *cough cough*). It's a cheap, up and coming indie game that is a lot of fun to waste a few hours in. [b]Overrated[/b] "Undertale" Now hold on! Put away those knives and Ghaster Blasters and hear me out! I love Undertale for the unique and interesting story and the wonderful soundtrack. What I don't like is everyone talking like its the second coming of christ. This game has been extensively overrated and while it is certainly an amazing game, it still has some incredibly irritating flaws such as the pacifist run bullshit with the fish lady and the nerd who needs to die. It is also incredibly cringe levels of mushy cheesyness with the pacifist run and sometimes pretends to be more deep than it actually is. But the moment anyone tries to provide legitimate criticism, the autistic fanbase that has now latched onto it eats you alive.