Victoria rolled her eyes a little at her friend's response, but let the jabs pass unanswered. The Japanese girl would get to her answer eventually. In the meantime the cold water felt quite nice, a refreshing contrast to the hot, humid air of the fitness room. Public school, after all, was public school; unless it was as hot as Hell outside, they weren't going to give the budget to keeping certain rooms cooler than others. Have to love budget cuts. She listened with just a faint frown as Dana responded, batting the bag back and forth with alternating strikes. Not really a matter of how hard either could hit, mostly just practice. Get the heart rate up, keep their technique in good shape, and provide an outlet for any frustrations. Of which she admittedly had many, so the exercise was proving most helpful. A calming, repetitive motion. Hit, noise, wait, swing, hit. Easy enough to process the opinions Dana vocalized in the process. Her frown deepened a little at her combative take, but more of long-standing concern than surprise. The Japanese girl wanted to fight [i]everything[/i], that wasn't a surprise. When the bag swung back, Dana's grin imprinted in her mind, it stopped not even halfway into its arc. It swung the opposite way with a loud [i]crack[/i] that made her friend lean out of its path. The chain holding it up groaned at its moorings, the bag swinging back and forth limply on the weakened grip. The teen vampire hunter pulled her fist back, slipping both hands casually into her pockets. Her cheeks felt a little warmer than usual, regarding the bag with vague confusion. "Thanks, budget cuts." She commented dryly, clearing her throat and indicating the loose mooring with her nose. She made eye contact with the teacher, indicated the bag with her head, and stepped a few feet to the next bag over. She resumed her routine easily, glancing at Dana while she waited for the girl to follow. "I don't think we want to think about a fight, Dana. Though I appreciate your extreme confidence." "I don't trust her."