[@Sisyphus] Approved. [@Natsu] What people call "magic" is essentially the art of using using energy of consciousness, ergo what most would call mental or spiritual "energy", and sacrificing it in tandem with a specific focus. The energy provides a power source, the mind provides a concept to comport it towards, and then when this occurs the world provides a process through which the desired effect is enacted. Magicians are generally akin to researchers or scholars, people who study the different ways that this energy can be comported for desired ends, and it's fairly common for stronger practicioners of magic to also be very well-versed in science. If you know how fire works, then you can more efficiently create a fire through using spiritual energy to effect combustion than someone who's using spiritual energy to just "make that thing hot". Certain races are able to generate effects similar to magic by virtue of existing, for instance a phoenix's capacity for rebirth, but this isn't magic in the same sense. If you have specific questions then I can go further in-depth.