[h2][color=silver][u]Ariah Acrana [/u][/color][/h2] Ariah's journey to the mysterious island was actually a particularly comfortable one as well as a deliberate one. Having chartered and bought passage from the mainland aboard a passanger ship destined for a rather scenic spot along the coast of the mainland. It was merely a matter of offering a small payment to the navigator in exchange for a "scenic view of the local islands" on the way to their destination. Following that it was merely a waiting game aboard a pleasure ship... truly it would be a long and hard journey. Waking up from his bed and groggily looking around the room to see a few now empty bottles as well as a rather underdressed woman. Given is headache and the fac that last night was such a blur he believed it would be safe to assume they had a wild night. So after a brief minute and after his brain quit spinning he left the bed to retrieve his clothes and then gear. Now reequipt and already pushing back his hangover he gave his currently unamed companion a slight peck on the cheek before heading up to the top deck. His destination was in sight and that meant it was now or never. The boat drew in closer and closer to the shore and just as it started to pull away Ariah leapt from the ship towards the water. However, before he hit the surface he changed fro being just a man, to soemthing augmented by magic, shifting his body to incredible speeds and pressing off of the water so fast that it was solid while he was in contact. Before he knew it he was back int eh normal flow of time jumping off of the fater's surface to gather up for another surge. Turning into a silver blur to dash alog the water's surface before jumping at the last moment in order to gather his energy. Repeating this process another four times he made it to the island's edge. Taking a moment to gather his thoughts and pick up his energy reserves. Believe it or not moving so fast that you treat a liquid as a solid for the sake of transporation is exhausting! However, once his energy was back he started to draw more towards the ruins located on the island and the rumored treasure within. The jungle wasn't a bother to him and as he continued on without incident it made him wonder about what would lie ahead. Then he was there... At the apex of the ruins and as grand at the destroyed and overgrown structure was, it was still beautiful and imposing. Much like on the boat... now or never. Ariah walked into the ruins, moving into the dark hallways that were hidden from the sun's gaze. Holding up his hand Ariah summoned forth a small burst of Arcana to roll around his left hand, glowing a sharp silver with a vibrant blue core to be held within his grasp. The light of his magic leading the way, he proceeded onward. That was when he saw it, the relic that he had spent the better part of a year looking for. Resting on a pedistal in the middle of a grand antichamber. Almost drawn it it like a moth to a flame, Ariah walked into the room, letting the magic from his hand fide away as the light of the relic gave him all he needed. Coming closer to his goal it almost seemed to reach out to him... opening his mind to a world of possibilities. Yet as Ariah thought of what could be the room shattered much like his dreams and the relic. The echo of energy pulsing through the room leaving him lost for words and thoughts. NOTHING happened! It just... broke. It was in that moment he went something. Looking around he saw others all standing just as dumstruck and heart broken as he was. Whats more is that he felt them. Not like in a metaphorical way, but in a literal and almost physical way. In the world of magic and particularly his magic he felt a similar feeling to these people like when he controled things with his telekinesis. A connection held together by something deep. That was when he heard it, 'what the Hell is going on?' It sounded clear as day, but differnet. Like it didn't come from one point, but all around. Maybe it was the room bouncing voices around. Regardless the females voice was heard and it warrented a response, [color=silver]"How's about you tell me! I wasn't the one to destroyed the relic!"[/color] He shouted back out loud, looking to try and guage the situation with all these strangers who felt so... familiar.