[quote=@Commodore] Hello! No doubt some of noticed me stalking this Roleplay (,as I've noticed some counter-stalking operations,) and I would like to announce an announcement announcing my desire to join this Roleplay. I have trudged my way on through the IC section, relying mostly on summaries I do not have [i]that[/i] much free time I assure you, and as this idea is something I have thought before would be fun, and now see this as an exemplar case of such a roleplay. In addition considering my greatly increasing availability of time in the coming months for relatively obvious reasons, I believe now would be an opportune moment to do so. I am aware of the wiki, and have read through the OP and subsequent post a few times but I will not claim thorough knowledge until I fully prepare with a completed CS. Presuming, if I may, to follow the subsequent protocol and post my idea for a demigod. My idea would be a demigod of the domain of motion and the portfolio of animation, taking a non-hominid form, and with the parentage of Teknall and Zephyrion if [@Cyclone] and [@BBeast] are amenable to it. [/quote] Hello there. Welcome. We can consider the specifics of the parentage as you flesh out the character. Zephyrion's in a bit of an interesting situation at present, although that might be just the catalyst needed to form a demigod. If we can work out a decent plan, then that would be an agreeable arrangement. One question [@Kho] likes to ask is this: How might your character get involved in a story arc?