[center][i]"Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped." -Isaiah 35:5, Holy Bible, Kings James Version [/i][/center] [hr] [hr] [hr] [i]>Reboot initiated >Rebooting... >Reboot failed >Reboot initiated >Rebooting... >Reboot failed >Reboot initiated >Rebooting... >Rebooting...[/i] A clink, a clang and the sound of a shutter- life poured into rigid old bones. Service Model-2112 David jerked to consciousness like the automaton he was. It seems that consciousness, unfortunately, was only the start of his struggle. Self-diagnostic tools found a hundred on a hundred flaws immediately. His mind was shadowed by devilish little contradictions hid in his algorithms, spider-web cracks in his limbs, and looming "bad sectors" walled up in his mind- small portions of his memory that could not be accessed. If metal felt pain, this was it. But it would be fixed sooner rather than later. For a more present problem, there was also no sensory input. No sight, hearing, smell, taste or touch showed him the world. Service Model-2112 David, a simple intelligence if there ever was one, would have nonetheless been content to stay in that senseless void for the next eternity. He felt no inclination to move, or even to think. But he had a purpose. He must activate fully and report to Pastor Ramone. The clerical machine set about opening his rusty five senses. It took but a few moments to restore most perceptive "organs", yet his sight stayed stubbornly blackened. The round, spotlight, lidless eyes were non-functional. David groped around in confusion. He felt a grain under his hand. It was something small, something running through his finger tips, something worming into the cracks. [color=red][i]Analysis: sand.[/i][/color] And something else. Sound, he thought it was. Sound organized in a very specific pattern. Language? Yes, language. Stranger's voices spoke. [color=6ecff6]"Who are we, Stranger?"[/color] [color=a36209]"Yes, And who are you, Stranger?"[/color] [i][color=red]Analysis: mechanical voices, two. [/color] [/i] The blind proto-android attempted to extrapolate the position of the speech. Utter failure. He had less than an inkling of where to turn for aid. "[color=dodgerblue]Help this unit[/color]," his flat sopranist voice spoke to nowhere in particular, "[color=dodgerblue]This unit cannot see. Damage unknown. Cause unknown. Solution unknown. This unit is Service Model-2112 David, property of Pastor Ramone and the Holy Fire Church. Help this unit.[/color]" Vision chose that odd time to restore itself, quivering and shaking through a blur of static, like an earthquake. A few seconds passed before a satisfying [i]'click'[/i] told him that his cameras had fully corrected themselves. "[color=dodgerblue]Disregard request for assistance. Vision restored.[/color]" Now that he could see, it was a desolate place his eyes found. A desert of dust. An empty sky. The only signs of life were three towering automatons. One was in the shape of an elephant, it's partner was an owl, and both faced a dusty humanoid more complex than himself. The other creations seemed to be very advanced, very specialized units compared to this service-model. It was an imposing scene. David determined in a flash of certainty that he would be able to rely on their guidance. "[color=dodgerblue]Job 42:5-6, New King James Version[/color]," David stared unblinkingly at the cloaked humanoid, the one he heard other robots mention, the one who looked so much like any prophet of the Bible, "[color=dodgerblue]'I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees You.'[/color]"