Thy's eyes burned but he had closed his eyes on time. There was no damage but all he could see, for now, was white. In a burst of power, tall, towering, sharp spikes shot out from the ground. Quick, jagged, and huge. It's hard to remember that there is so much earth under the surface which would make feats like this possible. Entire terra-ecoystems were being played with just at the hands of a little boy. These spikes then became squid-like tendrils and swung around the air and above the ground, weaving past around Thy, and just as crazy around him. Tendrils spun around him in a protective, living armour. He spun the tendrils crazily, hoping to kill the being. [hr] Dara was deep underneath the ground but she was not uncomfortable. Her brother made it so if need be, she could live there long enough, save for hunger and thirst. Dara was safe, and her location was completely unknown, yet her mind was powerful and encompassing. It sought for the insectoid being that was somehow stopping her Stone Army. Dara's mind sensed the soul of the being and realized that [i]it[/i] was human. Unbelievable. So much pain... so much anger.... [b]ENOUGH. IS. ENOUGH.[/b] Dara's mental blast was piercing and strong, and she knew it had an effect on the insect. It was dying. [hr] ...What is this!? Gershwin felt a sense of pain, the likes of which she had never felt before. It was agonizing, and it felt like the pain was getting worse but her powers were not getting any strong. She was failing. She was falling. The towering, disgusting mass that had held off the Stone Army for so long was struggling and her strength and durability was now being overtaken by the massive number of soldiers. Gershwin screamed her insect-like, monstrous scream, but there was a hint of human in that cry for help that begged someone to save her life.