[h1][center][color=silver]Thalia Maehers[/color][/center][/h1] [hr][center]Location: Cirque Anomaly Interacting With: Lilith[@FantasyChic][/center][hr] Thalia did not like the day that she has been having. First it started when someone set the main tent on fire, and she was not happy about it. Everyone had started freaking out, and she wanted nothing to do with the craziness that has ensued since then. She stayed back from it, and let others handle it, she had no idea what to do, and she didn't want to get in the way. Thalia had walked away from it, and it did not help that Boris had gotten drunk and was yelling about something. She generally tried to stay away from him when he was like that. She was worried about Folly though. Thalia had gotten used to the kid, and liked her a lot. It made her worry, wondering what the kid was going through, and hoped that she was alright somewhere. Thalia walked over, and noticed Strong talking to Lilith, and got curious as she walked forward to see what they were discussing. She noticed Folly's journal in Lilith's hand, and was wondering if the woman might be worried about her. [color=silver]"Whatcha doing with Folly's diary,"[/color] she asked as she made her way over.