Just as Hutch was finally beginning the process of loosening the tension in the muscles lining his neck, there came a soft exhalation from somewhere within the trees that had his eyes snapping open and immediately scanning the fringes of the woods, ears perking forward. He waited there for the space of what felt like a dozen heartbeats, on tenter hooks for the appearance of a set of gold eyes... Or a flash of red and white fur... Anything to tell him that Cassidy had come sneaking after him to make sure that he was actually checking the border. Which he wasn't, but that was besides the point. But after several long minutes of watching the edge of the trees, scrutinizing the shadows and even going so far as to look back over each shoulder, nothing happened. No bouncy little sister appeared, no new changeling horde falling over one another coming to drag him back to the hunt came bursting out of the undergrowth.. He didn't even see any hint of a bird or some other small animal that could explain the sound he heard. Blinking mildly, Hutch tilted his head slightly as he considered The different possibilities, finally concluding that it must've been the wind rushing around the trees, a residue from the storm earlier that day, or perhaps a squirrel zooming up a tree trunk. Growling softly in his throat, The white and black werewolf lowered his chin back down to his paws, Turning both of his ears back and determinedly Focusing on relaxing his muscles and not on listening to the forest around him, letting his eyes slide shut to reduce the temptation to continue squinting into the shadows. He was not, therefore, prepared to handle The surprise he got when the other wolf unexpectedly joined him in the field of wildflowers. She didn't make a sound as she moved out from the cover of the trees, didn't give away her position as she picked her way through the flowers to his side. And it was only when she came to an abrupt halt a few feet away from him and her scent was wafted in his direction, the sound of her toenails digging into the ground accompanying it, that Hutch even realized that he was not alone. But as soon as that reality settled into place, his muscles went taut, eyelids flying open and muzzle wrinkling to expose his fangs, and he half sprang into an almost Crouch as he stared at the unfamiliar Black patched brown Wolf that had come to a sudden standstill in front of him. The expression of shock that colored her features, the sudden pounding of her heart, and the unmistakable scent of blood and pain that tainted her scent were perhaps the only reasons why he didn't immediately spring into an attack. Hackles stiff along the back of his neck, Hutch tried to work the snarl off of his face as he carefully studied the she wolf, and had just managed to soften the expression into something that managed to hide his teeth but kept his muzzle wrinkled somewhat when he finally sank down to his haunches slowly. Nostrils dilating as he breathed in her unfamiliar scent, Hutch began to wonder just who this newcomer was. A new member of the pack perhaps? Someone brought in from another pack for rehabilitation purposes? That had been known to happen on occasion, though it was a rare occurrence. And if that were the case, why would the Alpha be sending her out so quickly after joining the pack? There was no way he would be trusting enough to ask Hutch to oversee the integration of an outsider on top of testing young werewolves... Would he? Tentatively, Hutch stretched out A curious thought, projecting his question about the wolf's identity in the direction of her mind... And found nothing to connect to. He blinked twice quickly with surprise, his head jerking back slightly with his shock. He had only thrice before in his life met another werewolf who's thoughts he couldn't connect with. None of them had been part of his pack. The idea of a wolf from another pack or even simply a loaner behaving so submissively around him made his thoughts reel with bewilderment. He had never encountered such an anomaly. Unable to project his question therefore, Hutch found himself instead tilting his head in such a way as to ask the question. Who are you? Where are you from? He hoped she would understand.