[@Patches] [@Blizzardofoz123] [@Nashie] Astrid turned to the newcomers and nodded her affirmation of Johnny's explanation. [color=a187be]"We find dhe rune... and also dhis forced Amalgamate. We kill all in our padh. Dhe Amalgamate... if it wants to help, it can. Odherwise, we should end its misery..."[/color] She turned to Kordan. [color=a187be]"Rocketman?"[/color] she ventured, [color=a187be]"Be as loud as you need to now. Dhey know we are here. Dhe time for stealth is over."[/color] She raised a wickedly curved blade clenched in her left fist. [color=a187be]"Let dhem [i]burn[/i]."[/color] she finished through gritted teeth.