Trueee. ;) Random question, how who's your favorite fictional dragon? Choose wisely! Oh, nice! Did a Google search. Now I want to watch it. Don't suppose Netflix has it. Hah, thank you! He was about to quote [i]The Princess Bride[/i], if you've ever seen that. I feel like you have, though. I sense you watch a lot of fantasy type of films (which is awesome). I can't resist having him quote things even though Elayra and Drust would have no idea what he's referencing. I feel like we're totally on the same page when it comes to that! I don't like it and try to avoid it, but the media is ridiculous. The one deal breaker for me is music, though. I won't listen to music with cursing since I tend to get songs stuck in my head. You've done it again, your reply had me on the edge of my seat. Elayra's quick thinking may have saved them all, and scored them a temporary set of wheels. Also, there's no need to apologize: I didn't feel like it was rushed at all! Both versions were great! Wow, that's even late for you! I take it insomnia's being relentless once again? The Wonderland Terms section is coming along beautifully! Wow...there's already so much, and they haven't even gotten to Wonderland yet! I really love how you also include what page some of the terms/worlds were mentioned in. Everything's so organized, caters to my OCD. I laughed out loud when I saw that Ghent's accidental spell made it on the list. xD