[center][img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-B6JTfr079fc/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAU/2-DzZ47R9Fo/photo.jpg[/img] The Gods are angry, they fight for the throne, they war and they destroy. If this doesn't end, Olympus will fall. Now it is time for the sons and daughters of the Gods to make a choice. Either join a side to fight, or try to stop the wars altogether but if something isn't done soon, there won't be an Olympus to save.[/center] You can be Demigod of any god you wish as long as it makes sense according to lore and the history of the actual God. I am also allowing Roman Gods because a lot of Greek Gods are the same as Roman Gods with different names such as Eros and Cupid for example. The premise of the Rp will involve the collapse of Olympus itself. During this time there will be several Godly wars going on, one being Hades trying to take over the throne. Another will involve the Titans. Cs Name: Gender: Age: Appearance: Personality: Bio: Parent: Power and Abilities: Likes: Dislikes: Family: Friends: Sentimental Attachment: Weapons: Theme Song: Other: Pet Name: Pet Age: Pet Gender: Pet Species: Pet Apperance: Pet Personality: Now, I am limiting each God to three sons or daughters only. With Gods like Cupid and Aphrodite I will allow minor God Modding, such as Cupid's Love Arrows. This also includes Gods like Nike. Please remember you are still Demigods however. Which means you will not get the full powers of your godly parents. As you can see, the school is very big. I will be updating this post later with all of the different places of the school. For the Cs, not everything is required. Everything below Powers and Abilities are completely optional however if you want a weapon make sure you go into detail about the weapons you have. Pictures are not required but appreciated. We will also be keeping this to realistic pictures of characters only. Have fun. Places of interest: Training Area Dorm Rooms Battle Arena for one on one practice fights Courtyard Basketball Pitch Football Pitch Gardens Greenhouses Water Fountain as seen in picture Inside swimming pool Changing rooms Lockers