It seemed Inquisitor Kliment had given up on the governor, then. A pity, that was, for the governor's innocence was almost assured if he had needed to be replaced with somebody else... but naturally, when the Inquisitor mentioned the execution of heretics, Alexandra perked up, for that was what any Hospitaller was good at: discovering, rooting out, and ultimately destroying heresy. And with this in mind, she hoped that Confessor Horacio would pick Sisters other than herself, so that she as a Hospitaller could do her duty. And, it seemed, he ultimately did, once they reached ground level. Though Sister Vitruvia was certainly lucky to have the opportunity to investigate the corruption of this world's people directly, Alexa was nonetheless somewhat glad her grin was hidden beneath her helmet. Otherwise, she had no words to offer, no need to provide additional assistance, beyond following the Inquisitor's orders - so she didn't say anything, instead moving out to try and find a vehicle to co-opt for their purposes. Actually finding a vehicle wasn't so hard, as it happened... the tricky part would be getting it to start, not something she had much skill in. Or any other Sister, at least that she knew of- they were trained to fight the enemies of Mankind, not to hotwire cars- and perhaps she was being too soft in thinking that disrupting the Hive workers in their duties and forcing them to hand their vehicles over would be unhelpful. Though some of her fellow Sisters had gotten to dealing with their own situations, so that was at the very least an alternate possibility.