Original ID: [what was your human name?] Vanguard Codename: Age: [before you were injected with the nano-machines] Previous Human Occupation: [what occupation will you draw skills/personality from?] Power/Special Weapon: Special Skills: [this should tie into your occupation/Bio] Personality: [three words best describing your character] Appearance: [use Warframe images, or concept/fan warframe designs] BRIEF Bio: [who were you before becoming a Vanguard?] Notes: ______________ Original ID: Alexander Mason Vanguard Codename: Mercurius Age: 28 Previous Human Occupation: security guard, former athlete Power/Special Weapon: Heightened Speed: arguably one of the fastest Vanguard created, his top speed is close to one hundred MPH on foot. Tech Club/Mace: As a former athlete, Mercurius wields a Special Skills: fast thinker, communications expert Personality: [three words best describing your character] Appearance: [use Warframe images, or concept/fan warframe designs] BRIEF Bio: Notes: ~KL~