"Patience Jenso," Mikey said calmly as the video feed started up. Of course, the first thing they could see was the tower itself atop a large hill that overlooked the ocean. It was less than a kilometer in width after all. Perhaps 30 meters across? Mikey rolled his eyes as the surveillance continued. Suddenly, as they neared the hill, a large purple mass of goo rose from the ground and took the shape of Rajaka, before it smashed the robot to pieces. the surveillance switched to another bot to witness the act. Rajaka, or [i]goo-jaka[/i] turned towards it and rushed forwards. [color=9e005d]"Wait just a moment, dear!"[/color] Ada called out, walking into view. She neared the robot slowly, strutting through the grass, her pristine figure barely discernible against the sunrise. A series of metallic crashes sounded, as if each and every other robot in the small platoon was instantly crushed by something else. Ada bent towards the surveillance robot, leaned in closely, and smiled through her mask. The bot couldn't move or attack. Instead, she took control of it somehow, spinning it to reveal that a series of purple humanoid warriors, similar to Rajaka, had wiped out the platoon. they numbered at least 30, overwhelming the small 20-man attack squad. Ada snickered and clutched her breasts with both forearms. [color=9e005d]"OH! Such an adorable attempt at scouting our defences! I'm flattered you would put so much work into getting my [i]splendid[/i] body on screen!"[/color] Ada rose her arms and emphasised her curves with a pose, thick with seduction. It was a little hard to see past the insanity that transpired behind her raw sex appeal, but lesser men would be swayed by her looks alone. She really was a harpy. [color=9e005d]"How about I reward your efforts with a little tour?"[/color] Then the feed cut off, as if the recording had ended. It paused for a few seconds. "Give it a moment," Mikey said, feverish with anxiety. [color=9e005d]"Welcome back to cooking with Ada!"[/color] The recording flashed back onto the screen, revealing Ada inside a large, dark room lit by red flames along the walls. There was a window that revealed the sun high in the sky, but most of the picture was too dark to make out. Was it already later in the day? It was roughly 5 am when the robots attacked, how much time had passed? And how did she control the recording? [color=9e005d]"Just kidding! I haven't eaten anyone in [i]ages.[/i] Men leave such a [i]bad taste[/i] in my mouth,"[/color] she growled, following it up with a petite giggle. She conjured a purple flame in her hand and lit the area behind her, revealing a familiar feminine figure. [color=9e005d]"[i]Women on the other hand, sweet like honey. More than palatable.[/i]"[/color] Ada walked closer, bringing the robot with her. As the image grew clearer, the girl's identity was revealed. It was Sheira, Jeff's old lab assistant. [color=9e005d]"Surprise! I had Dacer retrieve [i]this breath of fresh air.[/i]"[/color] Sheira was completely naked, and tied to the wall with various purple chains that melted into the bricks behind her. Ada smiled and turned towards the girl. She was barely alive, bleeding from her eyes. They'd been torn out, and her lips were sewn shut. Adarine lifted one hand to her chin and pulled Sheira's face towards her own as she looked into the camera. [color=9e005d]"We've had [i]so much fun,[/i] this little harlot can be such a [i]tease,[/i] but those erotic colours flare out something [i]fierce[/i] when you tickle-"[/color] Suddenly the audio cut off. Mikey muted it. "We uh, we really don't need to listen to any of this. Just watch," Mikey insisted. Ada continued to prattle on for a while, before kissing Sheira. And then, she slit her throat, in one fluid motion, letting blood pour down her naked body in crimson tides. Her eyes focused on the camera and her playful demeanour vanished. Then she smiled again. Mikey un-muted the audio. "Right here," He said. [color=9e005d]"I've got a few more [i]just like her[/i] in my room, here. I'm really in no position to let them go- in fact, I don't actually want to let them go... But the circumstances abate my desires for you, Jenso!"[/color] Ada looked up, and then back at the camera, slowly blinking as she did so. [color=9e005d]"My master, [i]Zei-Zei,[/i] would be ever so grateful to me if I were to retrieve you for him. So, I'll sweeten his generous offer to spare your galaxy!"[/color] The video feed cut off again for a few seconds. Mikey closed his eyes and grabbed his nose in irritation, not looking forward to what happens next. The video flashed back on, and two new women appeared on screen. One fully clothed, the other naked, just as Sheira was. [color=9e005d]"It took a [i]lot[/i] of research to track her down.."[/color] Luke's eyes widened and his hands slowly rose to press against the surface of the war-table as he looked closely at the face of the clothed woman. The other nude figure was none other than Milena, however, Alvios' friend from Corona. [color=9e005d]"This one, I just.. I just liked her!"[/color] Ada said traipsing towards Milena and gently touching her chin. The girl was unharmed, but unconscious. [color=9e005d]"But I figured, the will of your allies would benefit your decision greatly, so.. She's not dead! Unharmed, even!"[/color] Ada walked over to the clothed woman, who, rather than sustaining damage, or lacking consciousness, stared into the camera angrily with he mouth shut and he brow furrowed. She had long, orange hair that flowed over most of her body, and wore a golden-rod ore dress. [color=9e005d]"This one has spirit, though!"[/color] Ada admitted, refusing to even touch the other woman, [color=9e005d]"It pains me to resist [i]breaking it,[/i] oh how it pains me! I can barely stand through this [i]torrent of lust,[/i] but she's not for me. [i]Not for Ada.[/i]"[/color] Luke's fingers bent against the table, his breath shallow with each sip of air. [color=9e005d]"Come to the tower, and they will not be killed. I will... Uhg.. Release them back into your crummy world."[/color] Ada grunted and crossed her arms, pushing her cleavage into uneven proportions. Then she smiled again, her lips glowing with a purple hue. [color=9e005d]"Otherwise, I will turn her into yet another zombie, tasked to [i]kill you all.[/i] Kill you,"[/color] Ada began chuckling, snowballing into full on maniacal laughter over a few seconds, before shutting herself up and peering at the ceiling blankly. [color=9e005d]"Hmm. I wonder what it feels like to be forced against your own mother.. I wonder what it might feel like to plunge a blade into the depths of her void heart..."[/color] Ada's eyes widened and she chuckled lightly. [color=ec008c]"Wait, no I don't! Ahahaha!!!"[/color] She paused her laughter and looked at the screen with a tormented glare, still smiling. [color=9e005d]"See ya real soon, Golden boy."[/color] With that, the camera cracked, and the feed ended, leaving nothing but static in its place.