[color=6ecff6][i]As captain of my ship, I always gave leeway to my crew to make decisions as they saw fit in battle. That is why the cry of ceasefire was not one that angered or annoyed me beyond the inability to show my prowess in battle. Much of the crew felt the same, and it seemed as though the thuellai had calmed its howling for the moment. The rough seas, however, were a force of nature rather than controlled by an individual, and a wave crashed over the side of the gunwales, splashing three of us with the icy salt brine. Perhaps the rage of the wolf might have made the waves thrash our ship harder, as this splash felt merely like that of a carriage passing by on a wintry road.[/i][/color] >All within 10 ft of the south edge of the ship must make CON saves. [@Cu Chulainn], [@Lauder], [@JBRam2002] are affected. >Jill succeeds with [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/2859]18[/url], as do Garnesh with [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/2861]19[/url] and Shivs with [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/2866]22[/url], taking no damage. [@Zverda] is up next.