The melodramatic conclusion was not what Rintor had been hoping for. He remains seated, tracing lines in the sand with one of his daggers. [i]So eager you are to place this crown upon my head once you’ve set thorns in it.[/i] The lightbender glances up at her, not bothering to school his expression. He is so very tired of doing that. [i]And yet you assume that I would try to claim it as you would. A soldier serves where and how she is needed, not where she can find the most power and respect. If you were the humble servant that you claim to be, you would not find the need to crow about it.[/i] In this woman, Rintor sees only a glory-seeker, her ambitions fueled by a low birth and an abundance of potential. After a moment, he smiles sadly. “That ship has sailed for me,” he intones, “and justly so.” He tucks his dagger into its sheath and regards her steadily. “Your tactical judgement is mostly sound, but this is not your academy and we are not soldiers here.” He allows her the position of power, looming over him, saluting theatrically at nothing. “Earn my regard and it is yours,” he finishes. “Do not demand it.” Having said his piece, Rintor rises in a single smooth motion and turns to face the others. “Contrary to appearances,” he says, his voice low but resonant, “I do not enjoy debating, so I will state my opinion quickly.” He takes a step forward and addresses everybody. “The unavoidable fact is that each of us is a representative of our respective nations and peoples. Like it or not, we carry that weight upon our shoulders. We have come to this place as equals, as it should be, and I would not want to have any one of us placed above the others unless it should prove absolutely necessary. I further believe that we must be mindful of the tone that we will set going forward. Treating this as a military endeavour will colour our mindset and our actions. I do not wish to find myself living in fear of the unknown instead of wonder, or striking first and questioning later.” [i]I have done that far too often in the past.[/i] “That is all.” He calmly takes his place with those who have combat experience, well aware of what killing would mean for him.