Name: Claus Etoria Lendouhyn Age: Appears 26, actual age 802 Family Role: Father-figure Appearance: Claus is 5'8", and appears to weigh about 160 lb. His skin tone is a very light tan, right on the line between too pale and too tan. His hair is semi-long and straight, stretching down to halfway below his backbone. His hair is black in color, but also has a faint shade of what looks like brown from afar, but in reality it is a very dark shade of red, much like a ginger-crimson highlight. In addition to this, there appears to be odd, blunt-pointed protrusions at the top of his head, much like horns or a badly modeled pair of cat's ears. The protrusions, in actuality, really are horns being covered up by his own hair being wrapped around them. Because of these, and because his hair in general is long and resembles what the public eye would see as a feminine look, he normally ties it up in a semi-short ponytail to better suit the 'hairstyle' that are his horns. They aren't INSANELY large, so he normally wears a gray cadet's cap to cover them. (Side note- he's got really soft hair. [i]Touch iiiiit.[/i]) To put this bluntly, he looks somewhat generic in the face, having a small nose and thin lips, though he has heterochromia, with his left eye being light blue and his right being emerald green. Placement and Design of Contract Seal: Similar to a tattoo, there is an upside-down marigold flower design on his chest. Because it is upside-down, its stem trails upward and loops around his neck twice, creating a tightly-wound double helix. In addition, there is also a small, stemless marigold on the nail of his left ring finger. (If you're watchful, occasionally you can see a petal fall from the design and disappear as a new petal takes its place.) History and Abilities: Claus is a demon of deception, simply put. For about two centuries after his birth, he would visit the human world to cause mischief, both minor and major. Minor as in pulling only-slightly-harmful pranks such as blowing smoke in someone's face and then tripping them, and major as in using his power of shapeshifting to imitate the look of a person in power and act in such a way that started wars between nations. He had only really ever done this out of amusement, but after 200 years it started to bore him, and as the human world modernized, so did he, and he began to migrate, so to speak, with the living qualities of common people. However, he spent much more time amongst other demons in the Underworld. Now and again he would still cause mischief but only do so through semi-playful pranks, opting not to cause mass fighting. He often used his powers to get what he wanted (by which I mean he usually stole things), but this was only semi-often. Though, he had a small disposition that caused him to fall asleep no matter where he was every so often (based on how much he utilized his abilities) and one day he fell asleep in the backyard of a home he planned to steal from. This house belonged to a girl who had lost her parents and had turned to a marigold pact for new siblings, and because Claus was probably the closest demon there, he was one of the first to be chosen. Upon waking, he could feel a burning on his chest, neck, and the nail of his left hand's ring finger, and was promptly informed telepathically that he was now to be the father of a child he hadn't yet met. Now he has to make the best of what he feels is a bad situation, not that he has a choice. Hey, at least the other demons won't call him 'lazy pretty boy' anymore. They'll probably just call him 'pretty boy'. Probably. [i]An in-depth on Claus' powers below.[/i] [b]Shapeshifting:[/b] As part of his purpose of deception, he can alter his look, and change himself to look like anyone humanoid that he's seen at least once before. He can also alter his voice to match that person's voice but he must also hear it at least once. The only flaw to this is that even when his appearance changes, he cannot remove the marigolds or his horns, nor can this power alter his clothing. [b]Sightshifting:[/b] To further aid his purpose, he can briefly make himself invisible and muffle all the sounds he makes. This only lasts a short while at a time. [b]Power-related deprivation:[/b] Though this is not really a power as much as it is a flaw, Claus' energy is directly connected to the usage of his powers. If he doesn't frequently use them, he can go for days without sleep, but the more he uses these powers, the less energy he has and the more tired he can be. If he uses his energy severely exceedingly, he is prone to falling asleep despite where he is to refill the dire lack of energy he has. The only upside to this is that he doesn't have to sleep very long, only needing to rest for an hour at max to be energetic again, however he can wake up whenever he feels like it so if he wanted to sleep for eight hours, he could. Occupation/Work: Currently unemployed, but that doesn't mean he isn't willing to work. More money = more pudding. Personality Traits and Quirks: Claus is best described as formal-casual. Externally, he maintains a calm, cool and casual personality while keeping about him an air of sophistication. He tends to have a slight superiority complex as part of his formality, but also is a bit of a troublemaker as part of his causality. In certain situations, though, he can be very nice and show a more polite, obedient and respectful side. However, deep down, he finds a charm in things that are sweet, cute-looking, action-packed, or comedic, though he would never admit this. Because of this, he has an extreme love for two things: pudding and Power Rangers. He is also very eloquent and fluent when speaking, especially when insulting someone, or when complimenting another. He strongly enjoys reading, rhythm-based games, contortionists, and affectionate acts (again, he wouldn't admit that last bit!) to name a few. And honestly? Sometimes he can be a very easily flustered prude.